It was noised [η κ ο υ σ θ η]. Lit., It was heard. That he was in the house [ο τ ι ε ι ς ο ι κ ο ν ε σ τ ι ν]. The oti, that, is recitative, introducing the report in the direct form. It was reported - he is in the house! The preposition in is literally into, carrying the idea of the motion preceding the stay in the house. "He has gone into the house, and is there." But the best texts read ejn oikw, in the house. The account of this rumor is peculiar to Mark. He preached [ε λ α λ ε ι]. Lit., spake, as Rev. Imperfect tense. He was speaking when the occurrence which follows took place.

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Old Testament