Groweth up. Mark only.

Herbs [τ ω ν λ α χ α ν ω ν]. Rev., rightly, the herbs; those which people are wont to plant in their gardens. The word denotes garden - or pot - herbs, as distinguished from wild herbs.

Shooteth out great branches [π ο ι ε ι κ λ α δ ο υ ς μ ε γ α λ ο υ ς]. Lit., maketh, etc. Rev., putteth out. Peculiar to Mark. Matthew has becometh a tree. On branches, see note on Matthew 24:32. One of the Talmudists describes the mustard - plant as a tree, of which the wood was sufficient to cover a potter's shed. Another says that he was wont to climb into it as men climb into a fig - tree. Professor Hackett says that on the plain of Akka, toward Carmel, he found a collection of mustard - plants from six to nine feet high, with branches from each side of a trunk an inch or more in thickness. Dr. Thomson relates that near the bank of the Jordan he found a mustard - tree more than twelve feet high.

Lodge [κ α τ α σ κ η ν ο υ ν], See on Matthew 8:20. Lit., pitch their tents.

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Old Testament