The details of verses 3 - 5 are peculiar to Mark. "The picture of the miserable man is fearful; and in drawing it, each evangelist has some touches which are peculiarly his own; but St. Mark's is the most eminently graphic of all, adding, as it does, many strokes Which wonderfully heighten the terribleness of the man's condition, and also magnify the glory of his cure" (Trench, " Miracles ").

Dwelling [κ α τ ο ι κ η σ ι ν]. The kata, down, gives the sense of a settled habitation. Compare our phrase settled down. So Tynd., his abiding.

The tombs [τ ο ι ς μ ν η μ α σ ι ν]. "In unclean places, unclean because of the dead men's bones which were there. To those who did not on this account shun them, these tombs of the Jews would afford ample shelter, being either natural caves or recesses hewn by art out of the rock, often so large as to be supported with columns, and with cells upon their sides for the reception of the dead. Being, too, without the cities, and oftentimes in remote and solitary places, they would attract those who sought to flee from all fellowship of their kind" (Trench, " Miracles ").

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Old Testament