Matthew 10:1

The disciples [τ ο υ ς μ α θ η τ α ς]. The or his, referring to them as already chosen, though he nowhere relates their choosing. See Mark 3:14; Luke 6:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:2

Apostles [α π ο σ τ ο λ ω ν]. Compare disciples, ver. 1. Apostles is the official term, used here for the first time. They were merely learners (disciples, maqhtai), until Christ gave them authority. From ajpostellw, to send away. An apostle is one sent forth. Compare John 13:16 and Rev., one that i... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:4

The Canaanite [ο κ α ν α ν α ι ο ς]. Rev., Cananaean. The word has nothing to do with Canaan. In Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13, the same apostle is called Zelotes, Both terms indicate his connection with the Galilaean Zealot party, a sect which stood for the recovery of Jewish freedom and the maintenance of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:5

Judas Iscariot [ο ι σ κ α ρ ι ω τ η ς]. The article distinguishes him from others of the name of Judas (compare John 14:22). Iscariot is usually explained as a compound, meaning the man of Kerioth, with reference to his native town, which is given in Joshua (xv. 25) as one of the uttermost cities of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:6

The lost sheep [τ α π ρ ο β α τ α τ α α π ο λ ω λ ο τ α]. The Greek order throws the emphasis on lost; the sheep, the lost ones. Bengel observes that Jesus says lost oftener than led astray. Compare Matthew 18:12; Matthew 18:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:10

Staves [ρ α β δ ο υ ς]. But the proper reading is staff, [ρ α β δ ο ν]. The workman is worthy, etc. Ver. 11, There abide, etc. "The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles," a tract discovered in 1873 in the library of the monastery of the Most Holy Sepulchre at Constantinople, by Bryennios, Metropolitan of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:12

When ye come into [ε ι σ ε ρ χ ο μ ε ν ο ι]. The Greek indicates more distinctly the simultaneousness of the entrance and the salutation : as ye are entering. Rev., as ye enter. So of the departure, as ye are going forth (ejxercomenoi, ver. 14).... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:14

Shake off [ε κ τ ι ν α ξ α τ ε]. "The very dust of a heathen country was unclean, and it defiled by contact. It was regarded like a grave, or like the putrescence of death. If a spot of heathen dust had touched an offering, it must at once be burnt. More than that, if by mischance any heathen dust h... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:16

I send you forth [ε γ ω α π ο σ τ ε λ λ ω]. Cognate to the word ajpostolov (apostle). The I is emphatic : "It is I that send you forth." Wise [φ ρ ο ν ι μ ο ι]. So A. V. and Rev. Denoting prudence with regard to their own safety. Wyc., wary. Harmless [α κ ε ρ α ι ο ι]. Lit., unmixed, unadulterated... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:19

Take no thought [μ η μ ε ρ ι μ ν η σ η τ ε]. Rev., Be not anxious. See on 6 25. In that hour [ε ν ε κ ε ι ν η ω ρ α]. Very precise. "In that selfsame hour." Bengel remarks : "Even though not before. Many feel most strongly their spiritual power when the hour comes to impart it to others.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:25

Beelzebub [β ε ε λ ζ ε β ο υ λ, β ε ε λ ζ ε β υ λ]. There is a coarse witticism in the application of the word to Christ. Jesus calls himself "the Master of the house," and the Jews apply to him the corresponding title of the Devil, Heb., Beelzebul, Master of dwelling. (The phrase reappears in Germa... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:29

Sparrows [σ τ ρ ο υ θ ι α]. The word is a diminutive, little sparrows, and carries with it a touch of tenderness. At the present day, in the markets of Jerusalem and Jaffa, long strings of little birds, sparrows and larks, are offered for sale, trussed on long wooden skewers. Edersheim things that J... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:32

Confess me [ο μ ο λ ο γ η σ ε ι ε ν ε μ ο ι]. A peculiar but very significant expression. Lit., "Confess in me." The idea is that of confessing Christ out of a state of oneness with him. "Abide in me, and being in me, confess me." It implies indentification of the confessor with the confessed, and t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:34

To send [β α λ ε ι ν]. Lit., to throw or cast. By this word the expectancy of the disciples is dramatically pictured, as if he represented them as eagerly looking up for peace as something to be flung down upon the earth from heaven. Dr. Morison gives the picture thus : "All are on tiptoe of expecta... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:35

Set at variance [δ ι χ α σ α ι]. Lit., part asunder. Wyc., to depart = part. Daughter - in - law [ν υ μ φ η ν]. So. A. V. and Rev.; but the full force is lost in this rendering. The word means bride, and though sometimes used in classical Greek of any married woman, it carries a notion of comparati... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:38

His cross [τ ο ν σ τ α υ ρ ο ν α υ τ ο υ]. This was no Jewish proverb, crucifixion not being a Jewish punishment; so that Jesus uses the phrase anticipatively, in view of the death which he himself was to die. This was one of those sayings described in John 12:16, which the disciples understood not... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:39

Findeth [ε υ ρ ω ν]. The word is really a past participle, found. Our Lord looked back in thought to each man's past, and forward to its appropriate consummation in the future. Similarly, he who lost [α π ο λ ε σ α ς]. Plato seems to have foreshadowed this wonderful thought. "O my friend! I want you... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament