Findeth [ε υ ρ ω ν]. The word is really a past participle, found. Our Lord looked back in thought to each man's past, and forward to its appropriate consummation in the future. Similarly, he who lost [α π ο λ ε σ α ς]. Plato seems to have foreshadowed this wonderful thought. "O my friend! I want you to see that the noble and the good may possibly be something different from saving and being saved, and that he who is truly a man ought not to care about living a certain time : he knows, as women say, that we must all die, and therefore he is not fond of life; he leaves all that with God, and considers in what way he can best spend his appointed term" (" Gorgias, " 512). Still more to the point, Euripides :

"Who knows if life be not death, and death life ?"

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Old Testament