Took [π ρ ο σ λ α β ο μ ε ν ο ς]. Not, took him by the hand, but took him apart to speak with him privately. Meyer renders, correctly, after he had taken him to himself. "As if," says Bengel, "by a right of his own. He acted with greater familiarity after the token of acknowledgment had been given. Jesus, however, reduces him to his level."

Began. For Jesus did not suffer him to continue.

Be it far from thee [ι λ ε ω ς σ ο ι]. Rev., in margin, God have mercy on thee. In classical usage, of the gods as propitious, gracious toward men, in consideration of their prayers and sacrifices. The meaning here is, may God be gracious to thee.

Shall not be [ο υ μ η ε σ τ α ι]. The double negative is very forcible : "Shall in no case be." Rev. renders it by never.

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Old Testament