Turned [σ τ ρ α φ ε ι ς]. Not toward Peter, but away from him.

Get thee behind me. See Matthew 4:10.

Offense [σ κ α ν δ α λ ο ν]. Rev., better, stumbling - block. See on 5 29. Not, thou art offensive, but thou art in my way. Dr. Morison, "Thou art not, as before, a noble block, lying in its right position as a massive foundation - stone. On the contrary, thou art like a stone quite out of its proper place, and lying right across the road in which I must go - lying as a stone of stumbling."

Savorest not [ο υ φ ρ ο ν ε ι ς]. Rev., better, mindest not. Thy thoughts and intents are not of God, but of men. Savorest follows the Vulgate sapis, from sapere, which means 1st, to have a taste or flavor of : 2nd, to have sense or discernment. Hence used here as the rendering of fronein, to be minded. Thus Wyc., 1 Corinthians 13:11, "When I was a child I savored [ε φ ρ ο ν ο υ ν] as a child." The idea is, strictly, to partake of the quality or nature of.

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Old Testament