Matthew 25:1

Lamps [λ α μ π α δ α ς]. Lit., torches. Probably a short, wooden stem held in the hand, with a dish at the top, in which was a piece of cloth dipped in oil or pitch.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:3

They that were foolish [α ι τ ι ν ε ς μ ω ρ α ι]. Read aiJ gar mwrai, for the foolish. The for justifies the epithet foolish in the preceding verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:5

Slumbered and slept [ε ν υ σ τ α ξ α ν κ α ι ε κ α θ ε υ δ ο ν]. Slumbered is, literally, nodded. Note the variation of tense. Nodded is aorist, denoting a transient act, the initial stage of slumber. They dropped their heads. Slept is imperfect, of continuous slumber.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:6

There was a cry made [κ ρ α υ γ η γ ε γ ο ν ε ν]. Rev., there is a cry. The verb is in the perfect tense, representing the past event as perpetuated in the present result, and hence is rendered by the English present. A great and decisive change was the result of the cry. No more sleeping, waiting,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:7

Then all those virgins arose [τ ο τ ε η γ ε ρ θ η σ α ν π α σ α ι α ι π α ρ θ ε ν ο ι ε κ ε ι ν α ι]. The Greek order is expressive. Then arose all the virgins, those former ones. Those [ε κ ε ι ν α ι] a pronoun of remoter reference, and emphatic by its position at the end of the sentence. Trimmed... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:8

Are gone out [σ β ε ν ν υ ν τ α ι]. The A. V. misses the graphic force of the continuous present, denoting something in progress. They see the flame waning and flickering, and cry, Our lamps are going out! So Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:9

Not so, lest, etc. [μ η π ο τ ε ο υ μ η α ρ κ ε σ η]. The Greek does not give the blunt negative of the A. V. It is a more courteous form of refusal, making the reason for refusing to supply the place of the negative. Give us of your oil, say the foolish. The wise reply, Lest perchance there be not... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:10

And while they went [α π ε ρ χ ο μ ε ν ω ν]. A present participle, and very graphic : while they are going away. They that were ready [α ι ε τ ο ι μ ο ι]. Lit., the ready or prepared ones. To the marriage [γ α μ ο υ ς]. Marriage - feast, as Matthew 22:2; Matthew 22:3; Matthew 22:4; and so Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:16

Straightway [ε υ θ ε ω ς]. Connected with the beginning of this verse, instead of with the end of ver 14 Straightway he that had received, etc., indicating promptness on the servant's part. Traded with them [η ρ γ α σ α τ ο ε ν α υ τ ο ι ς]. Lit., wrought with them. The virgins wait, the servants w... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:24

Hard [σ κ λ η ρ ο ς]. Stronger than the austere [α υ σ τ η ρ ο ς] of Luke 19:21 (see there), which is sometimes used in a good sense, as this never is. It is an epithet given to a surface which is at once dry and hard. Strawed [δ ι ε σ κ ο ρ π ι σ α ς]. Rev., didst scatter. Not referring to the sowi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:26

Slothful. With no more trouble than he expended in digging, he might have gone to the exchangers. The verse should be read interrogatively, Didst thou indeed know this of me? Thou shouldst then have acted with the promptness and care which one observes in dealing with a hard master. To omit the inte... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:27

Put [β α λ ε ι ν]. Lit., throw or fling down, as one would throw a bag of coin upon the exchanger's table. Exchangers [τ ρ α π ε ζ ι τ α ι ς]. Taking their name from the table or counter at which they sat [τ ρ α π ε ζ α]. The Jewish bankers bore precisely the same name. Usury [τ ο κ ω]. A very grap... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:32

All the nations [π α ν τ α τ α ε θ ν η]. The whole human race; though the word is generally employed in the New Testament to denote Gentiles as distinguished from Jews. Separate them [α υ τ ο υ ς]. Masculine, while the word nations is neuter. Nations are regarded as gathered collectively; but in co... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:33

Goats [ε ρ ι φ ι α]. Diminutive. Lit., kidlings. The sheep and goats are represented as having previously pastured together. Compare the parables of the Tares and the Net. On the right [ε κ δ ε ξ ι ω ν]. Lit., from the right side or parts. The picture to the Greek reader is that of a row, beginning... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:35

Ye took me in [σ υ ν η γ α γ ε τ ε μ ε]. Tynd., I was harbourless and ye lodged me. The preposition sun implies along with. Ye took me with you into the household circle.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 25:36

Visited [ε π ε σ κ ε ψ α σ θ ε]. Lit., Ye looked upon. 6 Our word visit is from the Latin viso, to look steadfastly at, and thence to visit. We retain the original thought in the popular phrases to see one, and to look in upon one.... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament