Matthew 26:2

Is betrayed [π α ρ α δ ι δ ο τ α ι]. The present tense expresses here something which, though future, is as good as present, because already determined, or because it must ensue in virtue of an unalterable law. Thus the passover is [γ ι ν ε τ α ι] : it must come round at the fixed season. The Son of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:3

Palace [α υ λ η ν]. But the word never means palace in the New Testament. It is the court, the open court or hall, forming the center of an oriental building, and often used as a meeting - place. Rev., court. Wyc., hall.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:7

An alabaster box [α λ α β α σ τ ρ ο ν]. Rev., cruse; flask in margin. Lit., an alabaster, just as we call a drinking - vessel made of glass a glass. Luther renders glass. It was a kind of cruet, having a cylindrical form at the top. Pliny compares these vessels to a closed rosebud, and says that oin... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:10

When Jesus understood it [γ ν ο υ ς δ ε ο ι η σ ο υ ς]. The A. V. implies that some time elapsed before Jesus was aware of the disciples ' complaint. But the statement is that Jesus perceived it at once. Rev., rightly, Jesus perceiving it. Good work [κ α λ ο ν]. Lit., beautiful, but in a moral sens... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:15

What will ye give? [τ ι θ ε λ ε τ ε μ ο ι δ ο υ ν α ι ?] Rather, What are ye willing to give me? It brings out the chaffering aspect of the transaction. So Rev. They covenanted with him for [ε σ τ η σ α ν α υ τ ω]. But the meaning is, they weighed unto him; or, very literally, they placed for him ... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:18

Such a man [τ ο ν δ ε ι ν α]. The indefiniteness is the Evangelist 's, not our Lord 's. He, doubtless, described the person and where to find him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:20

He sat down [α ν ε κ ε ι τ ο]. But this rendering missed the force of the imperfect tense, which denotes something in progress. The Evangelist says he was sitting or reclining, introducing us to something which has been going on for some time.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:22

Began to say [η ρ ξ α ν τ ο]. Denoting the commencement of a series of questions; one after the other (every one) saying, Is it I? Is it I? [μ η τ ι ε γ ω ε ι μ ι]. The form of the negative expects a negative answer. "Surely I am not the one.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:23

The dish [τ ρ υ β λ ι ω]. Wyc., platter. A dish containing a broth made with nuts, raisins, dates, figs, etc., into which pieces of bread were dipped.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:25

Which betrayed [ο π α ρ α δ ι δ ο υ ς]. The article with the participle has the force of an epithet : The betrayer.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:28

Testament [δ ι α θ η κ η ς]. From diatiqhmi, to distribute; dispose of. Hence of the disposition of one's property. On the idea of disposing or arranging is based that of settlement or agreement, and thence of a covenant. The Hebrew word of which this is a translation is primarily covenant, from a v... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:29

New [κ α ι ν ο ν]. Another adjective, neon, is employed to denote new wine in the sense of freshly - made (Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37; Luke 5:38; Luke 5:39). The difference is between newness regarded in point of time or of quality. The young, for instance, who have lately sprung up, are neo... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:30

Sung a hymn. Very probably the second part of the Jewish Hallel or Hallelujah, embracing Psalms 115:116; Psalms 115:117; Psalms 115:118. They went out. In the original institution of the Passover it was enjoined that no one should go out of his house until morning (Exodus 12:22). Evidently this had... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:32

I will go before you. The thought links itself with what Christ had just said about the shepherd and the sheep. Compare John 10:4. I will go before you, as a shepherd before his flock.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:34

Before the cock crow. A little more graphic if the article is omitted, as in the Greek. Before a single cock shall be heard, early in the night, thou shalt deny me. Dr. Thomson (" Land and Book ") says that the barn - door fowls "swarm round every door, share in the food of their possessors, are at... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:35

Though I should die [κ α ν δ ε η μ ε α π ο θ α ν ε ι ν]. The A. V. misses the force of deh : "Though it should be necessary for me to die." Wyc., "If it shall behove me to die." Rev., excellently, "Even if I must die.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:36

Gethsemane. Meaning oil - press. Beyond the brook Kedron, and distant about three - quarters of a mile from the walls of Jerusalem. Dean Stanley says of the olive - trees there : "In spite of all the doubts that can be raised against their antiquity, the eight aged olive - trees, if only by their ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:40

What! It is hardly possible to convey the exact force of the Greek outwv, thus or so. The idea is, "are ye thus unable, or so utterly unable to watch?... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:47

One of the twelve. Repeated in all three evangelists, in the narratives both of the betrayal and of the arrest. By the time Matthew's Gospel was written, the phrase had become a stereotyped designation of the traitor, like he that betrayed him. A great multitude. The Sanhedrin had neither soldiery... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:49

Kissed him [κ α τ ε φ ι λ η σ ε ν]. The compound verb has the force of an emphatic, ostentatious salute. Meyer says embraced and kissed. The same word is used of the tender caressing of the Lord's feet by the woman in the Pharisee's house (Luke 7:38), of the father's embrace of the returned prodigal... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:50

Wherefore art thou come? [ε φ ο π α ρ ε ι]. The interrogation of the A. V. is wrong. The expression is elliptical and condensed. Literally it is, that for which thou art here; and the mind is to supply do or be about. The Lord spurns the traitor's embrace, and says, in effect, "Enough of this hypocr... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:51

The servant [τ ο ν δ ο υ λ ο ν]. The article marks the special servant; the body - servant. Ear [ω τ ι ο ν]. A diminutive in form but not in sense; according to a Greek popular usage which expressed parts of the body by diminutives; as rJinia, the nostrils; ojmmation, the eye; sarkion, the body. Pe... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:55

A thief [λ η σ τ η ν]. Better Rev., a robber. See John 10:1; John 10:8; and Luke 23:39-43. It is more than a petty stealer; rather one with associates, who would require an armed band to apprehend him. Hence the propriety of the reference to swords and staves. I sat [ε κ α θ ε ζ ο μ η ν]. The imper... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:63

I adjure thee. I call upon thee to swear. The high - priest put Christ upon oath. That [ι ν α]. In order that; signifying the design with which he adjured the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:64

Thou hast said. An affirmation. You have spoken the truth. What thou hast asked me is the fact. Compare ver. 25. Nevertheless [π λ η ν]. However. Apart from my affirmation, you shall see for yourself.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:66

Guilty of death [ε ν ο χ ο ς θ α ν α τ ο υ]. Rev., worthy of death. See on Matthew 23:18. ejn, in, ecw, to hold. The idea is, literally, holden of death; in bonds to death.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:67

Buffet [ε κ ο λ α φ ι σ α ν]. With the fist. Smote with the palms of their hands. All expressed by one word, ejrapisan, from rJapiv, a rod, and meaning to smite with rods, not with the palms. The same word is employed Matthew 5:39. It came to mean generally to strike.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 26:74

To curse [κ α τ α θ ε μ α τ ι ζ ε ι ν]. A new development of profanity. Hitherto he had merely sworn. Now he adds imprecation; invoking curses on himself if the case be not as he says.... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament