I am in a strait betwixt two [σ υ ν ε χ ο μ α ι ε κ τ ω ν δ υ ο]. See on 2 Corinthians 5:14. The picture is that of a man pressed on both sides. Lit. I am held together, so that I cannot incline either way. Betwixt two, lit., from the two. The pressure comes from both sides. Note the article, the two, the two considerations just mentioned, departing or abiding in the flesh. Having a desire. Lit., the desire : my desire, as expressed in ver. 21, for death with its gain.

To depart [α ν α λ υ σ α ι]. The verb means originally to unloose, undo again. So of Penelope's web : "During the night she undid it" (Homer, "Odyssey," 2, 105). Of loosing a ship from her moorings : of breaking up a camp. So 2 Macc. 9 1. Antiochus, having entered Persepolis, and having attempted to rob the temple and to hold the city, was put to flight by the inhabitants, and broke up [α ν α λ ε λ υ κ ω ς] and came away with dishonor. We have the same figure in popular usage of one who changes his residence : "He broke up at Chicago and removed to New York." Paul's metaphor here is the military one, to break camp. Compare 2 Corinthians 5:1, where the metaphor is the striking of a tent. Some prefer the nautical image, casting off from shore; but Paul's circumstances naturally suggested military figures; and, what is somewhat strange in the case of one so familiar with the sea, nautical metaphors are rare in his writings. There is one at 1 Timothy 1:19, of those "who concerning the faith have made shipwreck;" at Ephesians 4:14, "tossed as by waves, and borne about by every wind." Kubernhseiv governments, 1 Corinthians 12:28 (see note), is from kubernaw to steer.

To be with Christ. Compare 2 Corinthians 5:6; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Acts 7:59; 1 Thessalonians 4:14; 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

Which is far better [π ο λ λ ω μ α λ λ ο ν κ ρ ε ι σ σ ο ν]. Lit., much more better. For similar cumulative expressions, see on 2 Corinthians 4:17. The best texts insert gar for. So Rev., for it is very far better.

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Old Testament