Even as [κ α θ ω ς]. The reason for being confident (ver. 6).

Defense [α π ο λ ο γ ι α]. See on 1 Peter 3:15.

Confirmation [β ε β α ι ω σ ε ι]. Only here and Hebrews 6:16. The kindred verb bebaiow to confirm, occurs frequently, as Romans 14:8; 1 Corinthians 1:8, etc.

Partakers of my grace [σ υ γ κ ο ι ν ω ν ο υ ς μ ο υ τ η ς χ α ρ ι τ ο ς]. Better, as Rev., partakers with me of grace. Lit., the grace, either the divine endowment which enabled them both to suffer bonds, and to defend and establish the Gospel, or the loving favor of God, which confers suffering and activity alike as a boon. The two may be combined. Compare ver. 29.

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Old Testament