Philippians 2:1

Therefore. Paul has spoken, in ch. 1 26, of the Philippians' joy in his presence. Their joy is to find expression in duty - in the fulfillment of their obligations as members of the christian commonwealth, by fighting the good fight of faith and cheerfully appropriating the gift of suffering (ch. 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:2

Fulfill [π λ η ρ ω σ α τ ε]. Or complete. Compare John 3:29. Be like - minded [τ ο α υ τ ο φ ρ ο ν η τ ε]. Lit., think the same thing. The expression is a general one for concord, and is defined in the two following clauses : unity of affection, the same love; unity of sentiment, of one accord. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:3

Let nothing be done [μ η δ ε ν]. Rev., doing nothing. The Greek is simply nothing, depending either, as A. V. and Rev., on the verb to do understood, or on thinking [φ ρ ο ν ο υ ν τ ε ς] of the preceding verse : thinking nothing. The latter is preferable, since the previous and the following exhorta... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:4

Look [σ κ ο π ο υ ν τ ε ς]. Attentively : fixing the attention upon, with desire for or interest in. So Romans 16:17; Philippians 3:17; 2 Corinthians 4:18. Hence often to aim at; compare skopov the mark, ch. 3 14. The participles esteeming and looking are used with the force of imperatives. See on C... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:5

Let this mind be in you [τ ο υ τ ο φ ρ ο ν ε ι σ θ ω ε ν υ μ ι ν]. Lit., let this be thought in you. The correct reading, however, is froneite, lit., "think this in yourselves." Rev., have this mind in you.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:6

Being in the form of God [ε ν μ ο ρ φ η θ ε ο υ υ π α ρ χ ω ν]. Being. Not the simple einai to be, but stronger, denoting being which is from the beginning. See on James 2:15. It has a backward look into an antecedent condition, which has been protracted into the present. Here appropriate to the pre... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:7

Made Himself of no reputation [ε α υ τ ο ν ε κ ε ν ω σ ε ν]. 179 Lit., emptied Himself. The general sense is that He divested Himself of that peculiar mode of existence which was proper and peculiar to Him as one with God. He laid aside the form of God. In so doing, He did not divest Himself of His... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:8

Being found in fashion as a man [σ χ η μ α τ ι ε υ ρ ε θ ε ι ς ω ς α ν θ ρ ω π ο ς]. Some expositors connect these words with the preceding clause, thus : being made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man; a new sentence beginning with He humbled Himself. The general sense is not... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:9

Wherefore [δ ι ο]. In consequence of this humiliation. Hath highly exalted [υ π ε ρ υ ψ ω σ ε ν]. Lit., exalted above. Compare Matthew 23:12. Hath given [ε χ α ρ ι σ α τ ο]. Freely bestowed, even as Jesus freely offered Himself to humiliation : A name. Rev., correctly, the name. This expression is... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:10

At the name of Jesus [ε ν τ ω ο ν ο μ α τ ι]. Rev., better, in the name. The name means here the personal name; but as including all that is involved in the name. See on Matthew 28:19. Hence the salutation is not at the name of Jesus, as by bowing when the name is uttered, but, as Ellicott rightly s... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:11

Confess [ε ξ ο μ ο λ ο γ η σ ε τ α ι]. See on Matthew 3:6; thank, Matthew 11:25; Romans 14:11. The verb may also be rendered thank, as Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21, that meaning growing out of the sense of open, joyful acknowledgment. The sense here is that of frank, open confession. 180 To the glory,... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:12

Not as in my presence only. Connect with work out, not with obeyed. Do not work out your salvation as though impelled to action by my presence merely. Much more. Than if I were present; for in my absence even greater zeal and care are necessary. Work out your own salvation [τ η ν ε α υ τ ω ν σ ω τ... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:13

For it is God which worketh in you. Completing and guarding the previous statement. In you, not among you. Worketh [ε ν ε ρ γ ω ν]. See on Mark 6:14; James 5:16. The verb means effectual working. In the active voice, to be at work. In the middle voice, as here (used only by James and Paul, and only... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:14

Murmurings [γ ο γ γ υ σ μ ω ν]. See on Jude 1:16; John 6:41. Compare 1 Corinthians 10:10. Disputings [δ ι α λ ο γ ι σ μ ω ν]. See on Mark 7:21. It is doubtful whether disputings is a legitimate meaning. The kindred verb dialogizomai is invariably used in the sense of to reason or discuss, either wit... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:15

May be - harmless [γ ε ν η σ θ ε - α κ ε ρ α ι ο ι]. May be is rather may prove or show yourselves to be. Harmless, lit., unmixed. See on Matthew 10:16. Better, guileless. Blameless in the sight of others, guileless in your own hearts. Sons of God [τ ε κ ν α]. Rev., better, children. See on John 1:... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:16

Holding forth [ε π ε χ ο ν τ ε ς]. The verb means literally to hold upon or apply. Hence to fix attention upon, as Luke 14:7; Acts 3:5; 1 Timothy 4:16. In Acts 19:22, stayed : where the idea at bottom is the same - kept to. So in Sept., Job 27:8, of setting the heart on gain. Job 30:26, "fixed my mi... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:17

I am offered [σ π ε ν δ ο μ α ι]. Lit., I am poured out as a libation. The figure is that of a sacrifice, in which the Philippians are the priests, offering their faith to God, and Paul's life is the libation poured out at this offering. Compare 2 Corinthians 12:15; 2 Timothy 4:6. Ignatius : "Brethr... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:20

Like minded [ι σ ο ψ υ χ ο ν] Only here in the New Testament. With Paul himself, not Timothy. Who [ο σ τ ι ς]. Double relative, classifying : such that he. Naturally [ψ ν η σ ι ω ς]. Rev., truly. The adverb only here in the New Testament. The kindred adjective gnhsiov true, own, occurs 1 Timothy 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:21

All [ο ι π α ν τ ε ς]. The all; that is, one and all. The expression, however, must have limitations, since it cannot include those spoken of in ch. 1 14, Philippians 2:1 7It probably means, all except Timothy, that he has at his disposal of those who would naturally be selected for such an office.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:23

I shall see [α φ ι δ ω]. The compounded preposition ajpo gives the sense of looking away from the present condition of affairs to what is going to turn out.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:25

Epaphroditus. Mentioned only in this epistle. See on Epaphras, Philippians 1:23. The name is derived from Aphrodite (Venus), and means charming. Messenger [α π ο σ τ ο λ ο ν]. The same word as apostle, one sent with a commission. He that ministered [λ ε ι τ ο υ ρ γ ο ν]. Kindred with leitourgia se... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:27

Sorrow upon sorrow [λ υ π η ν ε π ι λ υ π η ν]. The accusative implies motion. Sorrow coming upon sorrow, as wave after wave.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:30

The work of Christ. The text varies : some reading work of the Lord, and others the work absolutely. If the latter, the meaning is labor for the Gospel; compare Acts 14:38. If the Lord or Christ, the reference may be to the special service of Epaphroditus in bringing the contribution of the Philippi... [ Continue Reading ]

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