Murmurings [γ ο γ γ υ σ μ ω ν]. See on Jude 1:16; John 6:41. Compare 1 Corinthians 10:10.

Disputings [δ ι α λ ο γ ι σ μ ω ν]. See on Mark 7:21. It is doubtful whether disputings is a legitimate meaning. The kindred verb dialogizomai is invariably used in the sense of to reason or discuss, either with another or in one's own mind, Matthew 16:7; Matthew 21:25; Mark 2:6; Luke 12:17. The noun is sometimes rendered thoughts, as Matthew 14:19; Mark 7:21; but with the same idea underlying it, of a suspicion or doubt, causing inward discussion. See 1 Timothy 2:8. Better here questionings or doubtings. See on Romans 14:1. The murmuring is the moral, the doubting the intellectual rebellion against God.

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Old Testament