Conversation [π α λ ι τ ε υ μ α]. Only here in the New Testament. Rev., citizenship, commonwealth in margin. The rendering conversation, in the sense of manner of life (see on 1 Peter 1:15), has no sufficient warrant; and that politeuma commonwealth, is used interchangeably with politeia citizenship, is not beyond question. Commonwealth gives a good and consistent sense. The state of which we are citizens is in heaven. See on ch. Philippians 1:27. Compare Plato : "That city of which we are the founders, and which exists in idea only; for I do not believe that there is such an one anywhere on earth. In Heaven, I replied, there is laid up the pattern of it methinks, which he who desires may behold, and beholding may settle himself there" (" Republic, " 592).

Is in heaven [υ π α ρ χ ε ι]. The use of this word instead of ejsti is is peculiar. See on being, ch. 2 6. It has a backward look. It exists now in heaven, having been established there of old. Compare Hebrews 11:16; John 14:2.

We look for [α π ε κ δ ε χ ο μ ε θ α]. Rev., wait for. See on 1 Corinthians 1:7. Used only by Paul, and in Hebrews 9:28. Compare Romans 8:19; Romans 8:23; Romans 8:25; Galatians 5:5. It indicates earnest, patient waiting and expectation. As in ajpokaradokia earnest expectation, ch. 1 20, the compounded preposition ajpo denotes the withdrawal of attention from inferior objects. The word is habitually used in the New Testament with reference to a future manifestation of the glory of Christ or of His people.

The Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ [σ ω τ η ρ α]. Savior has no article, and its emphatic position in the sentence indicates that it is to be taken predicatively with Jesus Christ, and not as the direct object of the verb. Hence render : we await as Savior the Lord, etc. Compare Hebrews 9:28, "To them that wait for Him will He appear a second time unto salvation."

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Old Testament