I John. Compare Daniel 7:28; Daniel 9:2; Daniel 10:2.

Who am also your brother [ο κ α ι α δ ε λ φ ο ς υ μ ω ν]. Omit kai, also, and render as Rev., John your brother.

Companion [σ υ γ κ ο ι ν ω ν ο ς]. Rev., better, partaker with you. See Philippians 1:7, and note on partners, Luke 5:10. Koinwnov, is a partner, associate. Sun strengthens the term : partner along with. Compare John's favorite word in the First Epistle, koinwnia fellowship, 1 John 1:3. In the tribulation, etc. Denoting the sphere or element in which the fellowship subsisted.

Tribulation [θ λ ι ψ ε ι]. See on Matthew 13:21 Persecution for Christ's sake, and illustrated by John's own banishment.

Kingdom [β α σ ι λ ε ι α]. The present kingdom. Trench is wrong in saying that "while the tribulation is present the kingdom is only in hope." On the contrary, it is the assurance of being now within the kingdom of Christ - under Christ's sovereignty, fighting the good fight under His leadership - which gives hope and courage and patience. The kingdom of God is a present energy, and it is a peculiality of John to treat the eternal life as already present. See John 3:36; John 5:24; John 6:47; John 6:54; 1 John 5:11 :Revelation 2


Each of the epistles to the seven churches contains : 1. A command to write to the angel of the particular Church. 2. A sublime title of our Lord, taken, for the most part, from the imagery of the preceding vision. 3. An address to the angel of the Church, always commencing with I know, introducing a statement of its present circumstances : continuing with an exhortation either to repentance or to constancy; and ending with a prophetic announcement, mostly respecting what shall be at the Lord's coming. 4. A promise to him that overcometh, generally accompanied with a solemn call to earnest attention : "He that hath an ear," etc. (Alford). In two churches, Smyrna and Philadelphia, the Lord finds matter for praise only. In two, Sardis and Laodicea, with a very slight exception in the former, for rebuke only. In Ephesus, Pergamum, and Thyatira the condition is a mixed one, calling for mingled praise and rebuke.

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Old Testament