Revelation 11:1

A rod. See on ch. Revelation 2:27. And the angel stood. Omit. The insertion of these words furnishes a subject for the agreement of the participle legwn, which is irregular an construction. Literally the correct text reads, " there was given me a reed, saying. ". Accordingly Wordsworth refers the s... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:2

The court which is without the temple. Not merely the outer court, or Court of the Gentiles, but including all that is not within the naov, the Holy and Most Holy places. Leave out [ε κ β α λ ε ε ξ ω]. Lit., throw out, i e., of the measurement. Unto the Gentiles [τ ο ι ς ε θ ν ε σ ι ν]. See on Luke... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:3

Power. Omit. Two witnesses. The reader may profitably consult on this point the lectures of Professor Milligan on the Revelation of St. John. He maintains that the conception of the Apocalypse is powerfully molded by John's recollections of the life of Jesus; that there is a close parallelism betwe... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:4

Two olive trees. See Zechariah 4. Candlesticks. See Zechariah 4, and note on Matthew 10:15. The God. Read kuriou the Lord. Compare Zechariah 4:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:6

To shut up the heaven. As Elijah, 1 Kings 17:1; Luke 4:25; James 5:17. That it rain not [ι ν α μ η β ρ ε χ η υ ε τ ο ς]. Lit., that the rain may not wet. To turn them into blood. Compare Exodus 7:19. To smite [π α τ α ξ α ι]. Used by John only in Revelation, here and Revelation 19:15. Compare Matth... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:7

The beast [θ η ρ ι ο ν]. Wild beast See on ch. Revelation 4:6. A different word from that wrongly translated beast, ch. Revelation 4:6; Revelation 4:7; Revelation 5:6, etc. Compare ch. 13 1; Revelation 17:8, and see Daniel 7. Bottomless pit [α β υ σ σ ο υ]. See on ch. Revelation 9:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:8

Dead bodies [π τ ω μ α τ α]. Read ptwma carcass. See on Matthew 24:28; Mark 14:45. In the street [ε π ι τ η ς π λ α τ ε ι α ς]. Lit., "Upon the street." See on Luke 14:21. The great city. Jerusalem is never called by this name. Different expositors refer it to Rome or Babylon. Milligan to Jerusale... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:9

Shall see [β λ ε ψ ο υ σ ι ν]. Read, blepousin do men look (Rev.), and see on John 1:29. Shall not suffer [ο υ κ α φ η σ ο υ σ ι ν]. Read ajfiousin do not suffer. To be put in graves [τ ε θ η ν α ι ε ι ς μ ν η μ α τ α]. Read mnhma a tomb, as Rev. Compare Genesis 23:4; Isaiah 14:19; Isaiah 14:20.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:10

Shall rejoice (carousin). Read cairousin, present tense, rejoice. Shall make merry [ε υ φ ρ α ν θ η σ ο ν τ α ι]. Read eujfrainontai, present tense, make merry; and for the word see note on fared sumptuously, Luke 16:19. Shall send gifts. As on a day of festival. See Nehemiah 8:10; Nehemiah 8:12. T... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:11

Spirit of life [π ν ε υ μ α ζ ω η ς]. Rev., breath. See on John 3:8. Entered into them. Compare Ezekiel 37:1-10. Saw [θ ε ω ρ ο υ ν τ α ς]. See on John 1:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:13

Earthquake. See on ch. Revelation 6:12. Of men [ο ν ο μ α τ α α ν θ ρ ω π ω ν]. Lit., names of men See on ch. Revelation 3:4. Gave glory to the God of heaven. The phrase signifies not conversion, nor repentance, nor thanksgiving, but recognition, which is its usual sense in scripture. Compare Joshu... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:15

The kingdoms - are become [ε γ ε ν ο ν τ ο α ι β α σ ι λ ε ι α ι]. Read ejgeneto hJ basileia, the kingdom - is become. Of our Lord, etc. Compare Psalms 2:2-9.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:18

Were angry [ο ρ γ ι σ θ η σ α ν]. See on wrath, John 3:36 Compare Psalms 2:1. The time [ο κ α ι ρ ο ς]. See on Matthew 12:1. Reward [μ ι σ θ ο ν]. See on 2 Peter 2:13. Destroy [δ ι α φ θ ε ι ρ α ι]. Also to corrupt. Which destroy [τ ο υ ς δ ι α φ θ ε ι ρ ο ν τ α ς]. Or, the destroyers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 11:19

The temple [ο ν α ο ς]. The sanctuary. Compare ver. 1 and see on Matthew 4:5. In heaven. Join with temple of God, as Rev., instead of with opened, as A. V. The ark of His covenant [η κ ι β ω τ ο ς τ η ς δ ι α θ η κ η ς α υ τ ο υ]. Kibwtov ark, meaning generally any wooden box or chest used of the a... [ Continue Reading ]

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