The court which is without the temple. Not merely the outer court, or Court of the Gentiles, but including all that is not within the naov, the Holy and Most Holy places.

Leave out [ε κ β α λ ε ε ξ ω]. Lit., throw out, i e., of the measurement. Unto the Gentiles [τ ο ι ς ε θ ν ε σ ι ν]. See on Luke 2:32. Rev., nations. Forty and two months. A period which appears in three forms in Revelation : forty - two months (ch. 13 5); twelve hundred and sixty days (ver. 3, ch. 12 6); a time, times and half a time, or three years and a half (12, 14, compare Daniel 7:25; Daniel 12:7)

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Old Testament