Revelation 12:1

Wonder [σ η μ ε ι ο ν]. Better, as Rev., sign. See on Matthew 24:24. Clothed [π ε ρ ι β ε β λ η μ ε ν η]. Rev., better, arrayed. See on ch. Revelation 3:5. The moon under her feet. See Song of Solomon 6:10. The symbol is usually taken to represent the Church.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:2

Travailing in birth [ω δ ι ν ο υ σ α]. See on sorrows, Mark 13:9, and pains, Acts 2:24. In pain [β α σ α ν ι ζ ο μ ε ν η]. Lit., being tormented. See on ch. Revelation 11:10, and references. For the imagery compare Isaiah 66:7; Isaiah 66:8; John 16:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:3

Red [π υ ρ ρ ο ς]. See on ch. Revelation 6:4. Dragon [δ ρ α κ ω ν]. Satan. See ver. 9. The word is found only in Revelation. In the Septuagint, of the serpent into which Moses ' rod was changed. In Isaiah 27:1; Ezekiel 29:3, of the crocodile or leviathan of Job 41:1. In Jeremiah 51:34, of a dragon.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:4

:Revelation 12 _4 Revelation 12 :4Of the stars of heaven. Some expositors find an allusion to the fallen angels (Jude 1:6). Did cast them to the earth. Compare Daniel 8:10. To devour her child as soon as it was born [ι ν α ο τ α ν τ ε κ η τ ο τ ε κ ν ο ν α υ τ η ς κ α τ α φ α γ η]. Rev., more liter... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:5

A man - child [υ ι ο ν α ρ ρ ε ν α]. Lit., a son, a male. The correct reading is arsen, the neuter, not agreeing with the masculine individual [υ ι ο ν σ ο ν] but with the neuter of the genus. The object is to emphasize, not the sex, but the quality of Masculinity - power and vigor. Rev., a son, a m... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:6

Of God [α π ο τ ο υ θ ε ο υ]. Lit., from God, the preposition marking the source from which the preparation came. For a similar use, see James 1:13, "tempted of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:7

There was [ε γ ε ν ε τ ο]. Lit., there arose. War in heaven. Compare 1 Kings 22; Job 1:2; Zechariah 3; Luke 10:18. Michael. See Daniel 10:13; Daniel 10:21; Daniel 12:1; and on Jude 1:9. Fought [ε π ο λ ε μ η σ α ν]. The correct reading is tou polemhsai to fight. So Rev., " going forth to war agains... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:9

The great dragon [ο δ ρ α κ ω ν ο μ ε γ α ς]. Lit., the dragon, the great (dragon). That old serpent [ο ο φ ι ς ο α ρ χ α ι ο ς]. Lit., the serpent, the old (serpent). For this habitual construction in John, see on 1 John 4:9. For ajrcaiov old, see on 1 John 2:7, and compare "he was a murderer ajp'... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:10

Saying in heaven [λ ε γ ο υ σ α ν ε ν τ ω ο υ ρ α ν ω]. The correct reading joins in heaven with great voice. So Rev. I heard a great voice in heaven. Now [α ρ τ ι]. See on John 13:33. Is come [ε γ ε ν ε τ ο]. Lit., came to pass. Alford says : "It is impossible in English to join to a particle of p... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:11

Overcame [ε ν ι κ η σ α ν]. See on 1 John 2:13. By the blood of the Lamb [δ ι α τ ο α ι μ α τ ο υ α ρ ν ι ο υ]. The preposition dia with the accusative signifies on account of. Hence Rev., correctly, because of : in virtue of the shedding of that blood. Similarly in the succeeding clause, "because... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:12

Dwell [σ κ η ν ο υ ν τ ε ς]. See on John 1:14. Compare ch. Revelation 7:15; Revelation 13:6; Revelation 21:3. To the inhabiters (toiv katoikousin). Omit. Read, as Rev., woe for the earth and for the sea. Wrath [θ υ μ ο ν]. See on John 3:36. Time [κ α ι ρ ο ν]. See on Matthew 12:1; Mark 1:15; Acts... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:14

Two wings. The definite article aiJ the should be added : "the two wings." Compare Exodus 19:4; Deuteronomy 32:11; Psalms 36:7. The great eagle. The article does not point to the eagle of ch. 8 13, but is generic. A time and times and half a time. Three years and a half. See on ch. Revelation 11:2... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:15

Cause her to be carried away of the flood [π α υ τ η ν π ο τ α μ ο φ ο ρ η τ ο ν π ο ι η σ η]. Lit., might make her one carried away by the stream : a river - born one. The word occurs only here in the New Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 12:17

Jesus Christ. Omit Christ. The best texts add to this chapter the opening words of ch. 13 (A. V.), "And I stood upon the sand of the sea." Some, however, change ejstaqhn I stood, to ejstaqh he stood, referring to the dragon. So Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]

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