Revelation 17:1

Sitteth upon many waters. Said of Babylon, Jeremiah 51:13; the wealth of Babylon being caused both by the Euphrates and by a vast system of canals. The symbol is interpreted by some commentators as signifying Babylon, by others pagan Rome, Papal Rome, Jerusalem. Dante alludes to this passage in his... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:2

Have committed fornication. The figure of a harlot committing fornication with kings and peoples occurs frequently in the prophets, representing the defection of God's Church and its attachment to others. See Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Jeremiah 3:1; Jeremiah 3:6; Jeremiah 3:8; Ezekiel 16:15; Ezekie... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:3

sitting. To manage and guide the beast. A scarlet - colored beast. The same as in ch. 13 1. This beast is ever after mentioned as to qhrion the beast. For scarlet, see on Matthew 27:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:4

Purple [π ο ρ φ υ ρ ο υ ν]. See on Luke 16:19. Decked [κ ε χ ρ υ σ ω μ ε ν η]. Lit., gilded. Precious stones [λ ι θ ω τ ι μ ι ω] Lit., precious stone. Golden cup. Compare Jeremiah 51:7. Abominations [β δ ε λ υ γ μ α τ ω ν]. See on Matthew 24:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:5

Upon her forehead a name. As was customary with harlots, who had their names inscribed on a ticket. Seneca, addressing a wanton priestess, "Nomen tuum pependit a fronte," thy name hung from thy forehead. See Juvenal, Satire 6, 123 sqq., of the profligate Messalina, "having falsely assumed the ticket... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:6

Saints - martyrs. The saints include the martyrs or witnesses, but the latter word emphasizes the testimony of the saints which has been the cause of their death. For martyr; see on 1 Peter 5:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:8

To go into perdition [υ π α γ ε ι ν]. Some good texts read uJpagei, goeth. For the verb, see on John 6:21; John 8:21. In the book [ε π ι]. Lit., upon. From the foundation of the world. In ordinary New Testament Greek these words would belong to are written. construe with the words immediately prec... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:9

Here is [ω δ ε]. Bespeaking attention and spiritual discernment for that which follows. See on ch. Revelation 13:18. The mind [ο ν ο υ ς]. Nouv is the organ of mental perception and apprehension - of conscious life, the mind, comprising the faculties of perceiving and understanding, of feeling, ju... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:10

Are fallen [ε π ε σ α ν]. Lit., fell. Constantly used in the Septuagint of the violent fall or overthrow of kings or kingdoms. See Ezekiel 29:5; Ezekiel 30:6; Isaiah 21:9; Jeremiah 50:15; Jeremiah 51:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:13

Mind [γ ν ω μ η ν]. Meaning primarily the faculty of knowing, mind, reason; then that which is thought or known; opinion, purpose. See Acts 20:3; 1 Corinthians 7:25; Philippians 1:14. Shall give [δ ι α δ ι δ ω σ ο υ σ ι ν]. didoasin, the present tense, give. The force of dia is over; give over. Po... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:15

The waters. The explanation of the symbol given here is in accordance with Isaiah 8:7; Psalms 18:4; Psalms 18:16; Psalms 124:14. Peoples and multitudes, etc. See on 1 Peter 2:9; Mark 12:37.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:16

Upon the beast [ε π ι]. Read kai and : "the ten horns - and the beast." Desolate [η ρ η μ ω μ ε ν η ν]. Lit., desolated, the verb being in the perfect participle. Shall eat her flesh. A token of extreme hostility. See Psalms 27:2; Micah 3:3. Xenophon, speaking of the hatred between the pure Sparta... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 17:17

Hath put [ε δ ω κ ε ν]. Rev., with stricter rendering of the aorist, did put. Lit., did give. To fulfill His will [π ο ι η σ α ι τ η ν γ ν ω μ η ν α υ τ ο υ]. See on ver. 13. Rev., more literally, to do his mind. To agree [π ο ι η σ α ι μ ι α ν γ ν ω μ η ν]. Lit., to make one mind. Rev., come to o... [ Continue Reading ]

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