Have drunk [π ε π ω κ ε ν ο ρ π ε π ω κ α ν]. Some, however, read peptwkan have fallen. So Rev.

Of the wine [ε κ τ ο υ ο ι ν ο υ]. Thus if we read have drunk. If we adopt have fallen, ejk is instrumental, by. So Rev.

Of the wrath. The wine of fornication has turned to wrath against herself. Merchants [ε μ π ο ρ ο ι]. The word originally means one on a journey by sea or land, especially for traffic. Hence a merchant as distinguished from kaphlov a retailer or huckster.

The abundance of her delicacies [τ η ς δ υ ν α μ ε ω ς τ ο υ σ τ ρ η ν ο υ ς α υ τ η ς]. Lit., as Rev., the power of her luxury. Strhnov is akin to stereov firm, hard, stubborn (see on steadfast, 1 Peter 5:9). Hence over - strength, luxury, wantonness. Only here in the New Testament. The kindred verb strhniaw to live deliciously occurs ch. 18 7, 9.

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Old Testament