Revelation 3:1

Sardis. The capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia. It was situated in a plain watered by the river Pactolus. The city was of very ancient origin. Herodotus (i., 84) gives the account of its siege and capture by Cyrus, and of its previous fortification by an old king, Meles. It was ruled by a serie... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:3

Thou hast received and heard [ε ι λ η φ α ς κ α ι η κ ο υ σ α ς]. The former of these verbs is in the perfect tense : thou hast received the truth as a permanent deposit. It remains with thee whether thou regardest it or not. The latter verb is ill the aorist tense, didst hear (so Rev.), denoting me... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:4

Thou hast a few names. The best texts insert ajlla but between these words and the close of the preceding verse. So Rev. But, notwithstanding the general apathy of the Church, thou hast a few, etc. Compare verse 1, thou hast a name, and see on chapter Revelation 11:13. Names is equivalent to persons... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:5

Book of life. Lit., the book of the life. For the figure, see Exodus 32:32; Psalms 69:28; Daniel 12:1; Philippians 4:3. Compare Luke 10:20; Hebrews 12:23. I will confess [ε ξ ο μ λ ο γ η σ ο μ α ι]. Openly confess [ε ξ]. See on Matthew 11:25; Acts 19:18;... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:7

Philadelphia. Seventy - five miles southeast of Sardis. The second city in Lydia. The adjacent region was celebrated as a wine - growing district, and its coins bore the head of Bacchus and the figure of a Bacchante. The population included Jews, Jewish Christians, and converts from heathenism. It s... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:8

I have set [δ ε δ ω κ α]. Lit., I have given. For a similar phrase see Luke 12:51. An open door (quran ajnewgmenhn). Rev., more literally, a door opened. This is variously explained. Some refer it to the entrance into the joy of the Lord; others to the initiation into the meaning of scripture; other... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:9

I will make [δ ι δ ω μ ι]. Rev., rightly, I give. See on verse 8. The sense is broken off there and resumed here. Of the synagogue [ε κ τ η ς σ υ ν α γ ω γ η ς]. Certain ones of the synagogue. Most interpreters refer to the Jews. Others explain more generally, of the bowing down of the Church's ene... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:10

The word of my patience [τ ο ν λ ο γ ο ν τ η ς υ π ο μ ο ν η ς μ ο υ] Not the words which Christ has spoken concerning patience, but the word of Christ which requires patience to keep it; the gospel which teaches the need o£ a patient waiting for Christ. On patience, see on 2 Peter 1:6; James 5:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:11

Behold. Omit. That no one take thy crown [ι ν α μ η δ ε ι ς λ α β η τ ο ν σ τ ε φ α ν ο ν]. Take it away. The idea is not that of one believer stepping into the place which was designed for another, but of an enemy taking away from another the reward which he himself has forfeited. The expression is... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:12

Pillar [σ τ υ λ ο ν]. The word occurs, Galatians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:15; Revelation 10:1. The reference here is not to any prominence in the earthly church, as Galatians 2:9, but to blessedness in the future state. The exact meaning is doubtful. Some explain, he shall have a fixed and important place i... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:14

Of the Laodiceans [α α ο δ ι κ ε ω ν]. Read ejn Aaodikeia in Laodicea. Laodicea means justice of the people. As Laodice was a common name among the ladies of the royal house of the Seleucidae, the name was given to several cities in Syria and Asia Minor. The one here addressed was on the confines of... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:15

Cold [ψ υ χ ρ ο ς]. Attached to the world and actively opposed to the Church. "This," as Alford remarks, "as well as the opposite state of spiritual fervor, would be an intelligible and plainly - marked condition; at all events free from the danger of mixed motive and disregarded principle which bel... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:16

Lukewarm [χ λ ι α ρ ο ς]. Only here in the New Testament. Foremost and most numerous among the lost, Dante places those who had been content to remain neutral in the great contest between good and evil. "Master, what is this which now I hear? What folk is this, which seems by pain so vanquished? A... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:17

Because thou sayest. Connect, as A. V. and Rev., with what follows, not with what precedes. Some interpret I will spue thee out of my mouth because thou sayest, etc. Increased with goods [π ε π λ ο υ τ η κ α]. Rev., have gotten riches. The reference is to imagined spiritual riches, not to worldly p... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:18

I counsel [σ υ μ β ο υ λ ε υ ω]. With a certain irony. Though He might command, yet He advises those who are, in their own estimation, supplied with everything. To buy. Compare Isaiah 4:1; Matthew 13:44; Matthew 13:46. Those who think themselves rich, and yet have just been called beggars by the Lo... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:19

As many as I love. In the Greek order I stands first as emphatic. Rebuke [ε λ ε γ χ ω]. See on John 3:20. Rev., reprove. Chasten [π α ι δ ε υ ω]. See on Luke 23:16. Be zealous [ζ η λ ε υ ε]. The verb is akin to zestov hot in verse 16, on which see note. Repent. See on Matthew 3:2; Matthew 20:29.... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:20

I stand at the door and knock. Compare Song of Solomon 5:2, Krouw I knock was regarded as a less classical word than koptw. Krouw is to knock with the knuckles, to rap; koptw, with a heavy blow; yofein of the knocking of some one within the door, warning one without to withdraw when the door is open... [ Continue Reading ]

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