Proceeded [ε κ π ο ρ ε υ ο ν τ α ι]. Rev., proceed. The tense is graphically changed to the present.

Lightnings and thunderings and voices. Compare Exodus 19:16. Variously interpreted of God's might, His judgment, His power over nature, and His indignation against the wicked.

Lamps [λ α μ π α δ ε ς]. The origin of our lamp, but, properly, a torch; the word for lamp being lucnov, a hand - lamp filled with oil (Matthew 5:15; Luke 8:16; John 5:35). See on Matthew 25:1. Trench says : "The true Hindoo way of lighting up, is by torches, held by men who feed the flame with oil from a sort of bottle constructed for the purpose." Seven Spirits of God. See on chapter Revelation 1:4.

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Old Testament