Knowing - glorified not. "I think it may be proved from facts that any given people, down to the lowest savages, has at any period of its life known far more than it has done : known quite enough to have enabled it to have got on comfortably, thriven and developed, if it had only done what no man does, all that it knew it ought to do and could do" (Charles Kingsley, " The Roman and the Teuton ").

Became vain [ε μ α τ α ι ω θ η σ α ν]. Vain things [μ α τ α ι α] was the Jews ' name for idols. Compare Acts 4:15. Their ideas and conceptions of God had no intrinsic value corresponding with the truth. "The understanding was reduced to work in vacuo. It rendered itself in a way futile" (Godet). Imaginations [δ ι α λ ο γ ι σ μ ο ι ς]. Rev., better, reasonings. See on Matthew 14:19; Mark 7:21; James 2:4.

Foolish [α σ υ ν ε τ ο ς]. See on sunetov prudent, Matthew 11:67, and the kindred word sunesiv understanding, Mark 12:33; Luke 2:47. They did not combine the facts which were patent to their observation.

Heart [κ α ρ δ ι α]. The heart is, first, the physical organ, the center of the circulation of the blood. Hence, the seat and center of physical life. In the former sense it does not occur in the New Testament. As denoting the vigor and sense of physical life, see Acts 14:17; James 5:5; Luke 21:34. It is used fifty - two times by Paul.

Never used like yuch, soul, to denote the individual subject of personal life, so that it can be exchanged with the personal pronoun (Acts 2:43; Acts 3:23; Romans 13:1); nor like pneuma spirit, to denote the divinely - given principle of life.

It is the central seat and organ of the personal life [ψ υ χ η] of man regarded in and by himself. Hence it is commonly accompanied with the possessive pronouns, my, his, thy, etc.

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Old Testament