Did Israel not know? As in ver. 18, a negative answer is implied. "It is surely not true that Israel did not know." Did not know what? That the Gospel should go forth into all the earth. Moses and Isaiah had prophesied the conversion of the Gentiles, and Isaiah the opposition of the Jews thereto.

First Moses. First in order; the first who wrote.

I will provoke you to jealousy [ε γ ω π α ρ α ζ η λ ω σ ω υ μ α ς]. From Deuteronomy 32:21. See Romans 11:11; Romans 11:14; 1 Corinthians 10:22. Used only by Paul. The Septuagint has them instead of you.

By them that are no people [ε π ο υ κ ε θ ν ε ι]. Lit., upon a no - people. The relation expressed by the preposition is that of the no - people as forming the basis of the jealousy. The prediction is that Israel shall be conquered by an apparently inferior people. No - people as related to God's heritage, not that the Gentiles were inferior or insignificant in themselves. For people render nation, as Rev. See on 1 Peter 2:9.

By a foolish nation [ε π ι ε θ ν ε ι α σ υ ν ε τ ω]. Lit., upon a foolish nation as the basis of the exasperation. For foolish, see on ch. Romans 1:21.

I will anger [π α ρ ο ρ γ ι ω]. Or provoke to anger. The force of the compounded preposition para in this verb and in parazhlwsw provoke to jealousy, seems to be driving to the side of something which by contact or comparison excites jealousy or anger.

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Old Testament