Romans 11:1

I say then [λ ε γ ω ο υ ν]. Then introduces the question as an inference from the whole previous discussion, especially vers. 19 - 21. Hath God cast away [μ η α π ω σ α τ ο ο θ ε ο ς]. A negative answer required. "Surely God has not, has He?" The aorist tense points to a definite act. Hence Rev., b... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:2

Foreknew. See on ch. Romans 8:29. Or [η]. Compare ch. 6 3; Romans 7:1. Confirming what precedes by presenting the only alternative in the cave. Or is omitted in the A. V. Wot ye not [ο υ κ ο ι δ α τ ε]. Why should the Revisers have retained the obsolete wot here, when they have rendered elsewhere,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:3

They have killed thy prophets - and digged, etc. Paul gives the first two clauses in reverse order from both Septuagint and Hebrew. Digged down [κ α τ ε σ κ α ψ α ν]. Sept., kaqeilan pulled down.. The verb occurs only here and Acts 14:16. Compare on Matthew 6:19. Altars [θ υ σ ι α σ τ η ρ ι α]. Se... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:6

Otherwise [ε π ε ι]. Lit., since. Since, in that case. Grace is no more, etc. [γ ι ν ε τ α ι]. Lit., becomes. No longer comes into manifestation as what it really is. "It gives up its specific character" (Meyer). But if of works, etc. The best texts omit to the end of the verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:7

Obtained [ε π ε τ υ χ ε ν]. The simple verb tugcanw means originally to hit the mark; hence to fall in with, light upon, attain. The election [η ε κ λ ο γ η]. Abstract for concrete. Those elected; like hJ peritomh the circumcision for those uncircumcised (Ephesians 2:11. Compare thn katatomhn the c... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:8

It is written. Three quotations follow, two of which we blended in this verse : Isaiah 29:10; Deuteronomy 29:3; Deuteronomy 29:55 Hath given [ο δ ω κ ε ν]. Heb., poured out. Sept., given to drink. Slumber [κ α τ α ν υ ξ ε ω ς]. Heb., deep sleep. Only here in the New Testament. Lit., pricking or pie... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:9

David saith. Psalms 69:23; Psalms 69:24. It is doubtful whether David was the author. Some high authorities are inclined to ascribe it to Jeremiah. David here may mean nothing more than the book of Psalms 56 Table. Representing material prosperity : feasting in wicked security. Some explain of the J... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:12

Diminishing [η τ τ η μ α]. The literal translation. Rev. renders loss. Referring apparently to the diminution in numbers of the Jewish people. Other explanations are defeat, impoverishment, injury, minority. Fullness [π λ η ρ ω μ α]. See on John 1:16. The word may mean that with which anything is fi... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:13

For I speak. The best texts read de but instead of gar for. The sentence does not state the reason for the prominence of the Gentiles asserted in ver. 12, but makes a transition from the statement of the divine plan to the statement of Paul's own course of working on the line of that plan. He labors... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:15

The casting away [η α π ο β ο λ η]. In contrast with receiving. Only here and Acts 27:22, where it means loss. Here exclusion from God's people. Reconciling of the world [κ α τ α λ λ α γ η κ ο σ μ ο υ]. See on ch. Romans 5:10; Romans 5:11. Defining the phrase riches of the world in ver. 12. Life fr... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:16

For [δ ε]. Better but, or now. A new paragraph begins. The first - fruit - holy. See on James 1:18; Acts 26:10. Referring to the patriarchs. Lump. See on ch. Romans 9:21. The whole body of the people. The apparent confusion of metaphor, first - fruit, lump, is resolved by the fact that first - fru... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:17

Branches were broken off [κ λ α δ ω ν ε ξ ε κ λ α σ θ η σ α ν]. See on Matthew 24:32; Mark 11:8. The derivation of kladwn branches, from klaw to break, is exhibited in the word - play between the noun and the verb : kladon, exeklasthesan. A wild olive - tree [α γ ρ ι ε λ α ι ο ς]. To be taken as an... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:18

The branches, Of the olive - tree generally, Jewish Christians and unbelieving Jews. Not those that are broken off, who are specially indicated in ver. 19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:22

Goodness and severity [χ ρ η σ τ ο τ η τ α κ α ι α π ο τ ο μ ι α ν]. For goodness, see on ch. Romans 3:12. Apotomia severity, only here in the New Testament. The kindred adverb, ajpotomwv sharply, occurs 2 Corinthians 13:10; Titus 1:13. From ajpotemnw to cut off. Hence that which is abrupt, sharp.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:25

Mystery [μ υ σ τ η ρ ι ο ν]. In the Septuagint only in Daniel. See ch. Romans 2:18; Romans 2:19; Romans 2:27; Romans 2:28; Romans 2:30, of the king's secret. It occurs frequently in the apocryphal books, mostly of secrets of state, or plans kept by a king in his own mind. This meaning illustrates th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:26

The deliverer [ο ρ υ ο μ ε ν ο ς]. The Hebrew is goel redeemer, avenger. The nearest relative of a murdered person, on whom devolved the duty of avenger, was called goel haddam avenger of blood. So the goel was the nearest kinsman of a childless widow, and was required to marry her (Deuteronomy 25:5... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:29

Without repentance [α μ ε τ α μ ε λ η τ α]. Only here and 2 Corinthians 7:10. See on repented, Matthew 21:29. Not subject to recall.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:32

Concluded [σ υ ν ε κ λ ε ι σ ε ν]. Only here, Luke 5:6; Galatians 3:22; Galatians 3:23. A very literal rendering, etymologically considered; con together, claudere to shut. The A. V. followed the Vulgate conclusit. So Hooker : "The person of Christ was only touching bodily substance concluded within... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:33

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge. So both A. V. and Rev., making depth govern riches, and riches govern wisdom and knowledge. Others, more simply, make the three genitives coordinate, and all governed by depth : the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge. "Like a trav... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:34

Who hath known, etc. From Isaiah 40:13. Heb., Who hath measured the Spirit? Though measured may be rendered tried, proved, regulated. Compare the same citation in 1 Corinthians 2:16. This is the only passage in the Septuagint where ruach spirit is translated by nouv mind. Known [ε γ ν ω] may refer t... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:35

Who hath first given, etc. From Job 41:3. Heb., Who has been beforehand with me that I should repay him? Paul here follows the Aramaic translation. The Septuagint is : Who shall resist me and abide ?... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:36

Of - through - to [ε ξ - δ ι α - ε ι ς]. Of, proceeding from as the source : through, by means of, as maintainer, preserver, ruler : to or unto, He is the point to which all tends. All men and things are for His glory (1 Corinthians 14:28). Alford styles this doxology "the sublimest apostrophe exist... [ Continue Reading ]

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