David saith. Psalms 69:23; Psalms 69:24. It is doubtful whether David was the author. Some high authorities are inclined to ascribe it to Jeremiah. David here may mean nothing more than the book of Psalms 56 Table. Representing material prosperity : feasting in wicked security. Some explain of the Jews ' presumptuous confidence in the law.

Snare [π α γ ι δ α], From phgnumi to make fast. The anchor is called pagiv the maker - fast of the ships.

Trap (qhran). Lit., a hunting. Only here in the New Testament, and neither in the Hebrew nor Septuagint. Many render net, following Psalms 35:8, where the word is used for the Hebrew resheth net. No kind of snare will be wanting. Their presumptuous security will become to them a snare, a hunting, a stumbling - block.

A recompense [α ν τ α π ο δ ο μ α]. Substituted by the Septuagint for the Hebrew, to them at ease. It carries the idea of a just retribution.

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Old Testament