Romans 14:1

Weak in the faith. Probably referring to a class of Jewish Christians with Essenic tendencies. 67 Better, as Rev., in faith, the reference being to faith in Christ, not to christian doctrine. See on Acts 6:7. Receive ye [π ρ ο σ λ α μ β α ν ε σ θ ε]. Into fellowship. See on Matthew 16:22. Doubtful d... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:2

Believeth that he may eat [π ι σ τ ε υ ε ι φ α γ ε ι ν]. The A. V. conveys the sense of having an opinion, thinking. But the point is the strength or weakness of the man's faith (see ver. 1) as it affects his eating. Hence Rev., correctly, hath faith to eat. Herbs (lacana). From lacainw to dig. Her... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:3

Despise [ε ξ ο υ θ ε ν ε ι τ ω]. The verb means literally to throw out as nothing. Rev., better, set at nought. Judge [κ ρ ι ν ε τ ω]. Judgment is assigned to the weak brother, contempt to the stronger. Censoriousness is the peculiar error of the ascetic, contemptuousness of the liberal. A distingu... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:4

Who art thou? [σ υ τ ι ς ε ι] Thou, first in the Greek order and peculiarly emphatic. Addressing the weak brother, since judgest corresponds with judge in ver. 3. Servant [ο ι κ ε τ η ν]. Strictly, household servant. See on 1 Peter 2:18. He is a servant in Christ s household. Hence not another man'... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:5

Esteemeth every day alike (krinei pasan hJmeran). Alike is inserted. Lit., judgeth every day; subjects every day to moral scrutiny. Be fully persuaded [π λ η ρ ο φ ο ρ ε ι σ θ ω]. Better, Rev., assured. See on most surely believed, Luke 1:1. In his own mind. "As a boat may pursue its course uninju... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:7

To himself. But unto Christ. See ver. 8. Hence the meaning "a Christian should live for others," so often drawn from these words, is not the teaching of the passage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:9

Might be Lord [κ υ ρ ι ε υ σ η]. Lit., might Lord it over. Justifying the term Lord applied to Christ in vers. 6, 8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:10

Why dost thou judge [σ υ τ ι κ ρ ι ν ε ι ς]. Thou emphatic, in contrast with the Lord. So Rev., "thou, why dost thou Judge ?" Referring to the weak brother. Compare judge as in ver. 4. The servant of another is here called brother. Judgment seat of Christ [τ ω β η μ α τ ι τ ο υ χ ρ ι σ τ ο υ]. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:11

As I live, etc. From Isaiah 45:23. Hebrew : By myself I swear... that to me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. Septuagint the same, except shall swear by God. Shall confess [ε ξ ο μ ο λ ο γ η σ ε τ α ι]. Primarily, to acknowledge, confess, or profess from [ε ξ] the heart. To make a con... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:13

Stumbling - block [π ρ ο σ κ ο μ μ α]. Compare ch. Romans 9:32; Romans 9:33; 45 20. Skandalon occasion of falling is also rendered stumbling - block in other passages. Some regard the two as synonymous, others as related to different results in the case of the injured brother. So Godet, who refers s... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:14

I know - am persuaded [ο ι δ α - π ε π ε ι σ μ α ι]. "A rare conjunction of words, but fitted here to confirm against ignorance and doubt" (Bengel). For I know, see on John 2:4. The persuasion is not the result of his own reasoning, but of his fellowship in the Lord Jesus. So Rev, for by the Lord, e... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:15

Be grieved [λ υ π ε ι τ α ι] The close connection with destroy indicates that the meaning falls short of be destroyed, but is stronger than made to feel pain. It is a hurt to conscience, which, while not necessarily fatal, may lead to violation or hardening of conscience, and finally to fall. Compar... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:16

Your good [υ μ ω ν τ ο α γ α θ ο ν]. Referring, most probably, to the liberty of the strong. Others think that the whole Church is addressed, in which case good would refer to the gospel doctrine. 68 Be evil spoken of [β λ α σ φ η μ ε ι σ θ ω]. See on blasphemy, Mark 7:22. In 1 Corinthians 10:30, it... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:17

The kingdom of God. See on Luke 6:20, and compare Matthew 3:2. "The heavenly sphere of life in which God's word and Spirit govern, and whose organ on earth is the Church" (Lange). Not the future, messianic kingdom. Meat and drink [β ρ ω σ ι ς κ α ι π ο σ ι ς]. Rev., eating and drinking. Both words,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:19

Things which make for peace [τ α τ η ς ε ι ρ η ν η ς]. Lit. the things of peace. So the next clause, things of edification. See on build you up, Acts 20:32. Edification is upbuilding. One another [τ η ς ε ι ς α λ λ η λ ο υ ς]. The Greek phrase has a defining force which is lost in the translations.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:20

Destroy [κ α τ α λ υ ε]. A different word from that In ver. 15. It means to loosen down, and is used of the destruction of buildings. Hence according with edification in ver. 19. See on Mark 13:2; Acts 5:38. Work of God. The christian brother, whose christian personality is God's work. See 2 Corint... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:22

Hast thou faith [σ υ π ι σ τ ι ν ε χ ε ι ς]. The best texts insert hn which. "The faith which thou hast have thou to thyself," etc. So Rev. Condemneth not himself [κ ρ ι ν ω ν]. Rev., better, judgeth. Who, in settled conviction of the rightness of his action, subjects himself to no self - judgment... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:23

Faith. In Christ. "So far as it brings with it the moral confidence as to what in general and under given circumstances is the right christian mode of action" (Meyer). Some authorities insert here the doxology at ch. 16 25 - 27. According to some, the Epistle to the Rom. closed with this chapter. Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

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