Romans 5:1

We have [ε χ ο μ ε ν]. The true reading is ecwmen let us have; but it is difficult if not impossible to explain it. Godet says : "No exegete has been able satisfactorily to account for this imperative suddenly occurring in the midst of a didactic development." Some explain as a concessive subjunctiv... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:2

Access [π ρ ο σ α γ ω γ η ν]. Used only by Paul. Compare Ephesians 2:18; Ephesians 3:12. Lit., the act of bringing to. Hence some insist on the transitive sense, introduction. Compare 1 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 2:13. The transitive sense predominates in classical Greek, but there are undoubted instance... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:3

Tribulations. Sharp contrast of glory and tribulation. Tribulations has the article; the tribulations attaching to the condition of believers. Rev., our tribulations. Patience [υ π ο μ ο ν η ν]. See on 2 Peter 1:6; James 5:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:4

Experience [δ ο κ ι μ η ν]. Wrong. The word means either the process of trial, proving, as 2 Corinthians 8:2, or the result of trial, approvedness, Philippians 2:22. Here it can only be the latter : tried integrity, a state of mind which has stood the test. The process has already been expressed by... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:5

Maketh not ashamed [ο υ κ α τ α ι σ χ υ ν ε ι]. Mostly in Paul; elsewhere only in Luke 13:17; 1 Peter 2:6; 1 Peter 3:16. Rev., putteth not to shame, thus giving better the strong sense of the word, to disgrace or dishonor. Is shed abroad [ε κ κ ε χ υ τ α ι]. Rev. renders the perfect tense; hath bee... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:6

For the ungodly [υ π ε ρ α σ ε β ω ν]. It is much disputed whether uJper on behalf of, is ever equivalent to ajnti instead of. The classical writers furnish instances where the meanings seem to be interchanged. Thus Xenophon : "Seuthes asked, Wouldst thou, Episthenes, die for this one [υ π ε ρ τ ο υ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:7

Righteous - good [δ ι κ α ι ο υ - α γ α θ ο υ]. The distinction is : dikaiov is simply right or just; doing all that law or justice requires; ajgaqov is benevolent, kind, generous. The righteous man does what he ought, and gives to every one his due. The good man "does as much as ever he can, and pr... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:8

Commendeth. See on 3 5. Note the present tense. God continuously establishes His love in that the death of Christ remains as its most striking manifestation. His love [ε α υ τ ο υ]. Rev., more literally, His own. Not in contrast with human love, but as demonstrated by Christ's act of love.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:9

Wrath [τ η ς ο ρ γ η ς]. Rev., better, "the wrath of God." the article specifying. See on ch. Romans 12:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:10

Enemies [ε χ θ ρ ο ι]. The word may be used either in an active sense, hating God, or passively, hated of God. The context favors the latter sense; not, however, with the conventional meaning of hated, denoting the revengeful, passionate feeling of human enmity, but simply the essential antagonism o... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:11

We also joy [κ α ι κ α υ χ ω μ ε ν ο ι]. Lit., but also glorying. The participle corresponds with that in ver. 10, being reconciled. We shall be saved, not only as being reconciled, but as also rejoicing; the certainty of the salvation being based, not only upon the reconciliation, but also upon the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:12

Wherefore as. As [ω σ π ε ρ] begins the first member of a comparison. The second member is not expressed, but is checked by the illustration introduced in vers. 13, 14, and the apostle, in his flow of thought, drops the construction with which he started, and brings in the main tenor of what is want... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:13

Until the law. In the period between Adam and Moses. Is not imputed [ο υ κ ε λ λ ο γ ε ι τ α ι]. Put to account so as to bring penalty. From logov an account or reckoning. Only here and Philippians 1:18. Figure [τ υ π ο ς]. See on 1 Peter 5:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:15

Of one [τ ο υ ε ν ο ς]. Rev., correctly, the one - Adam. So the many. Much more. Some explain of the quality of the cause and effect : that as the fall of Adam caused vast evil, the work of the far greater Christ shall much more cause great results of good. This is true; but the argument seems to tu... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:16

That sinned [α μ α ρ τ η σ α ν τ ο ς]. The better supported reading. Some MSS. and versions read aJmarthmatov transgression. Of one. Some explain, one man, from the preceding (one) that sinned. Others, one trespass, from ver. 17. The judgment [κ ρ ι μ α]. Judicial sentence. Compare 1 Corinthians 6... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:17

Reigned. The emphatic point of the comparison. The effect of the second Adam cannot fall behind that of the first. If death reigned, there must be a reign of life. They which receive [ο ι λ α μ β α ν ο ν τ ε ς]. Not believingly accept, but simply the recipients. Abundance of grace. Note the articl... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:18

The offense of one [ε ν ο ς π α ρ α π τ ω μ α τ ο ς]. Rev., corrects, one trespass. The righteousness of one [ε ν ο ς δ ι κ α ι ω μ α τ ο ς]. See on ver 16. Rev., correctly, one act of righteousness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:19

Disobedience [π α ρ α κ ο η ς]. Only here, 2 Corinthians 10:6; Hebrews 9:2. The kindred verb paralouw to neglect, Rev., refuse, occurs Matthew 18:17. From para aside, amiss, and ajkouw to hear, sometimes with the accompanying sense of heeding, and so nearly = obey. Parakoh is therefore, primarily, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:20

The law entered [π α ρ ε ι σ η λ θ ε ν] Rev., literally, came in beside, giving the force of para beside. Very significant. Now that the parallel between Adam and Christ is closed, the question arises as to the position and office of the law. How did it stand related to Adam and Christ ? Paul replie... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 5:21

Unto death [ε ν τ ω θ α ν α τ ω]. Wrong. In death, as Rev. As the sphere or dominion of death's tyranny. Compare ver. 14, "death reigned." Some, however, explain the preposition as instrumental, by death. How much is lost by the inaccurate rendering of the prepositions. Ellicott remarks that there a... [ Continue Reading ]

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