For the ungodly [υ π ε ρ α σ ε β ω ν]. It is much disputed whether uJper on behalf of, is ever equivalent to ajnti instead of. The classical writers furnish instances where the meanings seem to be interchanged. Thus Xenophon : "Seuthes asked, Wouldst thou, Episthenes, die for this one [υ π ε ρ τ ο υ τ ο υ] ?" Seuthes asked the boy if he should smite him (Episthenes) instead of him [α ν τ ε κ ε ι ν ο υ]. So Irenaeus : "Christ gave His life for [υ π ε ρ] our lives, and His flesh for (anti) our flesh." Plato, "Gorgias," 515, "If you will not answer for yourself, I must answer for you [υ π ε ρ σ ο υ]." In the New Testament Philippians 1:13 is cited; uJper sou, A. V., in thy stead; Rev., in thy behalf. So 1 Corinthians 14:29, "baptized for the dead [υ π ε ρ τ ω ν ν ε κ ρ ω ν]." The meaning of this passage, however, is so uncertain that it cannot fairly be cited in evidence. The preposition may have a local meaning, over the dead. 34 None of these passages can be regarded as decisive. The most that can be said is that uJper borders on the meaning of ajnti. Instead of is urged largely on dogmatic grounds. In the great majority of passages the sense is clearly for the sake of, on behalf of. The true explanation seems to be that, in the passages principally in question, those, namely, relating to Christ's death, as here, Galatians 3:13; Romans 14:15; 1 Peter 3:18, uJper characterizes the more indefinite and general proposition - Christ died on behalf of - leaving the peculiar sense of in behalf of undetermined, and to be settled by other passages. The meaning instead of may be included in it, but only inferentially. 35 Godet says : "The preposition can signify only in behalf of. It refers to the end, not at all to the mode of the work of redemption." Ungodly. The radical idea of the word is, want of reverence or of piety.

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Old Testament