Romans 7:1
Brethren. All Christians, not only Jews but Gentiles who are assumed to be acquainted with the Old Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]
Brethren. All Christians, not only Jews but Gentiles who are assumed to be acquainted with the Old Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]
That hath a husband [υ π α ν δ ρ ο ς]. Lit., under or subject to a husband. The illustration is selected to bring forward the union with Christ after the release from the law, as analogous to a new marriage (ver. 4). Is loosed [κ α τ η ρ γ η τ α ι]. Rev., discharged. See on 3 3, Lit., she has been... [ Continue Reading ]
She shall be called [χ ρ η μ α τ ι σ ε ι]. See on Acts 11:26.... [ Continue Reading ]
Are become dead [ε θ α ν α τ ω θ η τ ε]. Rev., more accurately, ye were made dead, put to death; because this ethical death is fellowship with Christ's death, which was by violence. Who was raised. An important addition, because it refers to the newness of life which issues from the rising with Chr... [ Continue Reading ]
We are delivered [κ α τ η ρ γ η θ η μ ε ν]. Rev., have been discharged, as the woman, ver. 2. See on ch. Romans 3:3. We were held. Lit., held down. See on ch. Romans 1:18.... [ Continue Reading ]
I had not known [ο υ κ ε γ ν ω ν]. Rev., correctly, I did not know. See on John 2:24. The I refers to Paul himself. He speaks in the first person, declaring concerning himself what is meant to apply to every man placed under the Mosaic law, as respects his relation to that law, before and after the... [ Continue Reading ]
Sin. Personified. Occasion [α φ ο ρ μ η ν]. Emphatic, expressing the relation of the law to sin. The law is not sin, but sin found occasion in the law. Used only by Paul. See 2 Corinthians 5:12; Galatians 5:13; 1 Timothy 5:14. The verb ajformaw means to make a start from a place. Aformh is therefore... [ Continue Reading ]
I was alive - once [ε ζ ω ν π ο τ ε]. Referring to the time of childlike innocence previous to the stimulus imparted to the inactive principle of sin by the coming of the law; when the moral self - determination with respect to the law had not taken place, and the sin - principle was therefore pract... [ Continue Reading ]
Deceived [ε ξ η π α τ η σ ε ν]. Rev., beguiled Only in Paul. Compare 2 Corinthians 11:3; 2 Thessalonians 2:3.... [ Continue Reading ]
Holy, just, good. Holy as God's revelation of Himself; just (Rev., righteous) in its requirements, which correspond to God's holiness; good, salutary, because of its end.... [ Continue Reading ]
Exceeding [κ α θ υ π ε ρ β ο λ η ν]. An adverbial phrase. Lit., according to excess. The noun uJperbolh means a casting beyond. The English hyperbole is a transcription.... [ Continue Reading ]
We know [ο ι δ α μ ε ν]. Denoting something generally conceded. Spiritual [π ν ε υ μ α τ ι κ ο ς]. The expression of the Holy Spirit. Carnal [σ α ρ κ ι ν ο ς]. Lit., made of flesh. A very strong expression. "This unspiritual, material, phenomenal nature" so dominates the unrenewed man that he is d... [ Continue Reading ]
I do [κ α τ ε ρ γ α ζ ο μ α ι]. See on ver. 8. Accomplish, achieve. Here appropriately used of carrying out another's will. I do not perceive the outcome of my sinful life. I allow not [ο υ γ ι ν ω σ κ ω]. Allow is used by A. V. in the earlier English sense of approve. Compare Luke 11:48; Romans 14... [ Continue Reading ]
I consent [σ υ μ φ η μ ι]. Lit., speak together with; concur with, since the law also does not desire what I do. Only here in the New Testament. Good [κ α λ ο ς]. See on John 10:11; John 10:32; Matthew 26:10; James 2:7. Morally excellent.... [ Continue Reading ]
Now - no more [ν υ ν ι - ο υ κ ε τ ι]. Not temporal, pointing back to a time when it was otherwise, but logical, pointing to an inference. After this statement you can no more maintain that, etc. I [ε γ ω]. My personality proper; my moral self - consciousness which has approved the law (ver. 16) an... [ Continue Reading ]
In me. The entire man in whom sin and righteousness struggle, in whose unregenerate condition sin is the victor, having its domain in the flesh. Hence in me considered as carnal (ver. 14). That another element is present appears from "to will is present with me;" but it is the flesh which determines... [ Continue Reading ]
Do not - do. [π ο ι ω - π ρ α σ σ ω]. See on ver. 15.... [ Continue Reading ]
A law. With the article, the law. The constant rule of experience imposing itself on the will. Thus in the phrases law of faith, works, the spirit. Here the law of moral contradiction. When I would [τ ω θ ε λ ο ν τ ι ε μ ο ι]. Lit., as Rev., to me who would, or to the wishing me, thus emphasizing t... [ Continue Reading ]
I delight in [σ υ ν η δ ο μ α ι]. Lit., I rejoice with. Stronger than I consent unto (ver., 16). It is the agreement of moral sympathy. The inward man [τ ο ν ε σ ω α ν θ ρ ω π ο ν]. The rational and moral I, the essence of the man which is conscious of itself as an ethical personality. Not to be co... [ Continue Reading ]
I see [β λ ε π ω]. See on John 1:29. Paul is a spectator of his own personality. Another [ε τ ε ρ ο ν]. See on Matthew 6:24. Warring against [α ν τ ι σ τ ρ α τ ε υ ο μ ε ν ο ν]. Only here in the New Testament. Taking the field against. The law of my mind [τ ω ν ο μ ω τ ο υ ν ο ο ς μ ο υ]. Nouv mi... [ Continue Reading ]
Wretched [τ α λ α ι π ω ρ ο ς]. Originally, wretched through the exhaustion of hard labor. Who [τ ι ς]. Referring to a personal deliverer. Body of this death [τ ο υ σ ω μ α τ ο ς τ ο υ θ α ν α τ ο υ τ ο υ τ ο υ]. The body serving as the seat of the death into which the soul is sunk through the pow... [ Continue Reading ]