In hope of eternal life [ε π ε λ π ι δ ι ζ ω η ς α ι ω ν ι ο υ]. Const. with Apostle, verse 1. 149 Epi resting upon.

God that cannot lie [ο α ψ ε υ δ η ς θ ε ο ς]. Ayeudhv N. T. o. Once in LXX, Wisd. 7 17. Comp. Romans 3:4; Hebrews 6:18. Paul expresses the idea positively, by ajlhqhv truthful, Romans 3:4.

Before the world began [π ρ ο χ ρ ο ν ω ν α ι ω ν ι ω ν]. Lit. before eternal times. Before time began to be reckoned by aeons. See on 2 Timothy 1:9, and additional note on 2 Thessalonians 1:9.

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Old Testament