Faithful children [τ ε κ ν α π ι σ τ α]. Better, believing children; or, as Rev., children that believe. Comp. 1 Timothy 3:4.

Not accused of riot [μ η ε ν κ α τ η γ ο ρ ι α α σ ω τ ι α ς]. Lit. not in accusation of profigacy. For kathgoria see on 1 Timothy 5:19. Aswtia, lit. unsavingness; hence, dissoluteness, profigacy. Comp. Luke 14:13, of the prodigal son, who lived unsavingly [α σ ω τ ω ς]. Only here, Ephesians 5:18, and 1 Peter 4:4 (note).

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Old Testament