That is, the history of the Israelites' sins and punishments was written and recorded by God in the holy scriptures, for the use and benefit of all succeeding generations, and particularly for us, who live in the last ages of the world, to warn us to avoid the like sin, that we may escape the like punishments.

Learn hence, That the fall of others, whether into sin, or under judgment for sin, should be caution and warning to us to take heed of sinning.

Here the apostle sums up the most remarkable judgments which fell upon the Jews in their passage from Egypt to Canaan, and closes with this application to Christians: These things happened to them for ensamples.

In the original it is as types: they befell them typically, that in them we may see how God will deal with us if we take their course; those calamities which destroy some, should instruct others.

Many will never see sin in itself, some will see it in the type and ensample, that is, in the judgment of God upon others, and those that will not see sin in the lashes of severity upon others, shall certainly feel it upon their own backs. Such as will not improve examples, shall undoubtedly be made examples.

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Old Testament