Here our apostle begins to reprove the Corinthians for the abuses found in their love-feasts. These love-feasts were founded on no express command in holy writ, but only on the custom of the church, who immediately before receiving the sacrament used to have. great feast, to which all the poor were invited at the charges of the rich, as an expression of their perfect love and charity one towards another.

Now in these feasts of charity they did not observe due order and decency: for every one, that is, every party and faction, being come to the place of the assembly, did presently sit down and eat what they had bought, in the company of their own party, not minding or regarding others; whereupon this holy feast of charity was neither celebrated at the same time by all, nor with that unanimity and concord which it was designed to represent: whilst the poor were excluded, and sent home hungry, the rich were feasted, and drank to some degree of excess, which is here called drunkenness; one is hungry, and another is drunken.

Behold what great irregularities and disorders are here found in the church of Corinth! Who can expect. church without spot in this imperfect state? God has left these miscarriages upon record, not for imitation, but for our caution.

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Old Testament