Observe, 1. The nature of those judgments, or afflictive evils, which do befall the children of God in this life: they are chastenings: we are chastened of the Lord. Chastenings belong properly to children who are wanton and ungovernable. To be chastened has. double aspect; first upon our privilege, it denotes our relation as children unto God our Father. Chastenings are. part of his children's portion; yet in that we are chastened, it taxes us with weakness; we are foolish, wanton, and unruly children, and therefore so long as we are here, must always go with. rod at our backs.

Observe, 2. Christ, who was also. Son, was chastened; The chastisement of our peace was upon him. But his were judiciary chastisements: God did not chastise him as. child, but as an enemy, as. malefactor, in our stead; as we must have been chastened, who were enemies and malefactors. Our chastenings are fatherly; Christ's judiciary.

Observe, 3. The merciful design of God in the chastenings of his children: it is to prevent their condemnation: We are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. When therefore at any time we are under chastisement, in all we say or do, let us justify God and condemn ourselves, seeing his chastisements are designed to prevent our condemnation.

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Old Testament