Our apostle begins this chapter with the resolution of another case,
concerning the nature and right use of spiritual gifts. Some that
excelled in them, were proud of them, using them to vain ostentation:
he therefore tells them he would not have them ignorant as touching
spiritual gifts: not ignora... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How the apostle reminds the Corinthians of what they
were in their heathenish state; namely, idolatrous Gentiles, serving
DUMB IDOLS; for though the devil sometimes spake in and by the idols,
yet the idols themselves had mouths and spake not: AND THEY WERE
CARRIED AWAY UNTO THESE DU... [ Continue Reading ]
The great difference that was then in the world, was about Jesus.
Those that were led away by dumb idols, were taught by Satan to
blaspheme, and say, upon the mention of our Saviour's name, Jesus
ANATHEMA, Jesus ANATHEMA; that is, let Jesus be ANATHEMA, accursed,
detested and destroyed, as the commo... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, there is. great variety and diversity of spiritual gifts, but
it is the same Spirit from whence they all proceed and flow; and there
are different administrations and offices in the church, but it is the
same Lord who hath appointed all these offices; and there are
diversities of operations... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, how the apostle enumerates and reckons up the several
sorts and kinds of spiritual gifts, which were at that time
plentifully poured forth upon the ministers and members of the church
of Christ, which begat astonishment and admiration; and of these
extraordinary gifts our apostle recko... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our apostle acquaints us that the intent and design of God in
giving these various gifts, was the profit and edification of his
church, which he compares to. body that has many members; for though
that one Spirit which distributes the gifts, could have given them all
to the same person, yet to... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle here elegantly compares the state of the mystical body,
the church, with that of the natural body. As the natural body is one,
so is the mystical body; as the natural body is informed and animated
with one spirit or soul, so the mystical body, the church, is animated
by one and the same... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, Whereas our wise Creator, who made the
body of man, has appointed all the members of that body for divers
uses and offices, and also appointed the order in which every member
shall stand; that the head shall be uppermost to guide the body, the
foot lowermost to bear the b... [ Continue Reading ]
Still our apostle proceeds in that elegant comparison betwixt the
members of the body natural and the body mystical; showing, that as
there are some members in the natural body that are less honourable,
and some that are more honourable; and whereas we put more abundant
honour upon the less honourab... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle having thus finished his elegant and excellent comparison
between the members of the natural, and those of the mystical body; he
comes now to make. particular and close application of it to the
believing Corinthians, whom he acknowledges to be. part of the
mystical body of Christ; and th... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle having in the beginning of the chapter reckoned up the
divers gifts which God had variously bestowed upon the church, here in
the close of the chapter he reckons up the particular officers that he
thought fit to place in his church.
1. APOSTLES; persons sent forth immediately by Christ,... [ Continue Reading ]
The force of the apostle's argument lies thus: As the natural body, to
which he had before alluded, cannot be all eye, nor all ear, nor all
hand, nor all foot; in like manner in the mystical body, the church,
all cannot govern, prophesy, teach, work miracles, heal diseases; but
one has this gift, an... [ Continue Reading ]
He concludes the chapter with this advice, that they covet, and desire
the BEST; that is, the most useful and excellent gifts, the most
beneficial and edifying gifts, such as are most advantageous to the
church; yet withal intimating to them, that though there be an
excellency in gifts, yet there is... [ Continue Reading ]