Charity rejoices not in any evil done, either,

1. By ourselves, in the commission or after-contemplation of it; or,

2. By others. Lord, how sad it is when it becomes matter of mirth and sport, to see another stab at once the Christian name, and his own soul!

Or, 3. It rejoices not in any evil done to others; charity suffers no man to be pleased or delighted with any deceit or falsehood spoken of or done to others, or with any ill stories or malicious insinuations concerning them, or in any calamity befalling them.

But rejoiceth in the truth; that is,

1. Charity is so far from rejoicing either in the falls or misfortunes of others, that it rejoices when the truth and innocency, the righteousness and equity, of any person or cause is made evident and manifest.. good man rejoices when he sees any suspected for, or charged with, iniquity, upon due examination cleared and acquitted.

Or, 2. Rejoiceth in the truth; that is, in men's loving truth, doing justly, and living righteously, according to the rule of truth, the gospel.

Oh! what. complacency and inward pleasure doth it beget in. good man's mind, when he beholds truth and righteousness, piety and goodness, prevailing in the world!

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Old Testament