Here note, 1. The fault charged upon the church: they did not censure this offender, therefore the apostle censures them. The tolerating of scandalous sins in particular members of churches, is. thing very displeasing to Christ, and offensive to his ministers.

Note, 2. As they did not censure the offenders, so neither did they mourn for the offence, as they should and ought to have done.

Learn, That the falls of particular members of churches are. just cause of mourning to the whole church: as members of the same body, we should sympathize with one another; what the natural members do, the mystical members ought to do.

Note, 3. The cause of both, why they did neither censure the offender, nor mourn for the offence: they were puffed up; partly with pride of their own gifts, and partly with vain-glory, upon account of their admired teachers. Now this pride hindered their sorrow;. proud man is seldom. compassionate man; true humility will teach us to lament and bewail others' frailty. Ye are puffed up, and have not mourned; the original word, to mourn, seems to refer to. custom in the primitive time, when Christians put on solemnly mourning attire, and bewailed excommunicate persons as those that are dead. These Corinthians being puffed up with pride, were so far from their compassionate mourning over this incestuous person, that they rather rejoiced at it, and insulted over that party to whom this person belonged. So prone are persons to rejoice at the downfall of others, either by sin, or by affliction!

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Old Testament