The first scruple or case of conscience which the Corinthians wrote to the apostle about was concerning marriage. Amongst many other wicked opinions, which the Gnostics, those ancient heretics, maintained, this was one, That marriage was from the devil.

Our apostle elsewhere, Hebrews 13:4, asserts marriage to be holy and honourable; here he determines first in general, that such as have the gift of continency, and can live chaste in. single state, do well; and in particular, that. single life at that time was most advisable, and most agreeable to the calamitous and afflicted state of the church; so that when the apostle says in this verse, It is good for. man not to touch. woman, his meaning is, it is more agreeable to the present necessity, more convenient in regard of the persecuted state of the church, as being. condition less disturbed with cares, and less troubled with distraction: for marriage plunges men into an excess of worldly cares, it multiplies their business, and usually their wants, and those wants are hardlier supplied than in. single life, and more difficultly borne; it is much easier to bear personal wants than family wants: with respect to all which, says the apostle, especially as the present state of the church stands, it is good for. man not to touch. woman: not that it is at any time simply unlawful, but at sometimes manifestly inexpedient.

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Old Testament