As if the apostle had said, Although it be no sin to marry, yet it is. sin to depart when married; herein. lay the authority of God's command upon you, that you agree together, and that no difference which may arise between you cause you to separate and live asunder. But to marry upon departure, is. double sin.

Therefore if any disagreements and discontents between husband and wife cause you to live asunder for. time, think not either of you of marrying to another person; but be reconciled to each other, and live together in love, as it becometh persons professing godliness.

A civil war in families is fatal, as well as in the commonwealth. Domestic contentions, especially betwixt husband and wife, are dangerous and destructive of love and peace. If at any time they arise to that height as to cause. separation betwixt them two who are one flesh, yet nothing of that nature can warrant their divorce; nothing but death or adultery can untie the marriage knot, and release them from their obligation to each other.

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Old Testament