1 Corinthians 8:1

It was the opinion of the Gnostics and Nicolaitans, those early erroneous persons in the apostle's days, that from the knowledge they had of their Christian liberty, they might either be present in the idol temples, or eat of the idol sacrifices, as they pleased. The apostle here tells them, that h... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:2

That is, "if. man have ever so much knowledge, yet if it be not accompanied with charity and humility, if he improve not his knowledge to the glory of God, and the good of others, he knows nothing to any saving purpose, as he ought to know." Learn, That Christians should by no means content themsel... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:3

Observe, The apostle doth not say, if any man know God; but, IF ANY MAN LOVE GOD, the same is known; that is, allowed, accepted, and approved of him.. man may know much of God in this world, and yet God may be ashamed to know him in another world; but the soul that sincerely loves God, is certainly... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:4

One argument which the Gnostics used to prove the lawfulness of eating things offered unto idols was this, That an idol was nothing in the world. But how nothing? It was not materially nothing, for it was wood or stone: but formally it was nothing, it was nothing of God's creation, nothing that the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:5

Here the apostle tells them, that although the heathen idolaters acknowledged. plurality of gods, some in heaven, as the sun, moon, and stars; some on earth, as men and beasts, they having their celestial and terrestrial gods and lords; but these were only CALLED GODS, that is, gods in name, not in... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:7

These words are brought in as. reason by the apostle why strong Christians should not eat meat offered unto idols, with respect to those that are weak; as if he had said, "Though many of you know that an idol is nothing, and that meat is neither sanctified nor polluted which is set before it, and th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:8

As if the apostle had said, "It is not the eating or not eating, barely considered, that makes. man either better or worse, more or less acceptable in the sight of God, but we must take great heed lest by our example others take occasion to worship the idol; you therefore ought not so to eat as to g... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:10

The meaning of the apostle seems to be this: If any man with an erroneous conscience goes to these feasts, and there sees thee, (who he thinks has more knowledge than himself,) sit at meat in the idol's temple, will not his conscience be the more emboldened by thy example to eat things offered to id... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:12

The apostle goes on to show, that such an use of our Christian liberty as doth embolden and encourage others to do that which is evil, is both an act of uncharitableness towards our brother, and also an act of sin against our Lord Jesus Christ, in betraying. soul to ruin as much as in us lieth, and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 8:13

A twofold sense and interpretation is given of these words. Some understand the apostle speaking thus: "If my eating meat offered to idols be. stumbling-block to any persons, and confirm them in their sinful practice, or be an occasion of sin unto them,. will certainly deny myself the use of that li... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament