As if he had said, "We declare unto you that of Christ which we ourselves have seen and heard, and what we had by sight and hearing you are to receive from our testimony; and our design and end herein is sincerely this, that you may have fellowship, and be of one communion with us, and not with false teachers, and by virtue of your communion with us may partake of the same faith and grace, and all spiritual benefits and privileges which Christ has purchased for us; and you will have no cause to repent of your coming into our communion and fellowship; for verily we, and all that have sincerely embraced the doctrine of the gospel with us, have fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ, and with each other."

Learn hence, That believers have communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and with one another.

Quest. What doth this communion include?

Ans. 1. Real union; believers are united to God and Christ morally, conjugally, mystically.

2. Reciprocal community;. community of enjoyments; the Lord is theirs, and they are his;

a community of affection; there is mutual love, mutual delight, mutual desires, and mutual hatred;

a community of interests; they have the same designs and ends, the same enemies and friends;

a community of privileges; the Lord visits them, and they visit him; the Lord walks with them, and they with him; the Lord observes them, and they observe him;

they impart the secrets of their hearts to him, and he imparts the secrets of his word and of his providence to them,

Shall. hide from Abraham the thing that. do? Genesis 18:17

Quest 2. What are the benefits and advantages of this communion?

Ans. It affords the highest honour, the sweetest pleasure, and the chiefest happiness; it is heaven on this side of heaven; our happiness and theirs differs only in degree, not essentially, but gradually.

Blessed privilege!

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Old Testament