Observe here, 1. dehortation, Abstain from fleshly lusts.

Quest. What is here meant by lusts?

Ans. Lust is either habitual or actual: habitual or original lust is the corruption and depravation of the faculties of the soul, an aversion to every thing that is good, and. proneness to all evil: actual lust is original sin put in motion: by fleshly lusts, understand in particular those lusts which are conversant about sensual and fleshly objects.

Quest. But what is it to abstain from fleshly lusts?

Ans. It implies. total forbearance of all wilful sins: and at all times there is. great difference between temperance and abstinence; the temperate man eats little, the abstinent nothing at all: every one then that would be accounted. Christian, is to account it his great duty and interest to abstain from all fleshly lusts.

Observe, 2. The arguments which our apostle here makes use of to persuade Christians to abstain from all fleshly lusts: the first is implied or included in the compellation, dearly beloved, not of the apostle only, or chiefly, but of God, 'Agapeytoi, the same word that Almighty God makes use of in expressing his love to his dear Son: as if he had said, "You that are so dearly beloved of God, look you to it that you abstain from what you know will be displeasing to him."

The second argument is drawn from their present state and conditon in the world; ye are strangers and pilgrims in the world, and therefore should act as strangers, who ae not wont to be overmuch affected with objects that they see abroad in their travels, no more should you.

The third argument is taken from the peril and danger of these fleshly lusts to our precious souls, they war against the soul: that is, they war against the purity of the soul; they war against the dignity of the soul; against the peace of the soul; against the liberty of the soul; yea, against the life of the soul.

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Old Testament