Observe here, 1. The state and condition in which both Jews and Gentiles were found before their conversion to Christianity; they were like sheep going astray and lost; wandering in the ways of sin and unbelief, to their threatened ruin and destruction.

Observe, 2. The tender care of Christ, that great and good Shepherd, in bringing home these lost sheep upon his shoulders, Isaiah 40:11 into his fold the church: Ye are now returned to the Shepherd, to him that will feed you in green pastures, and preserve you to his heavenly kingdom. The Shepherd gives life to his sheep, and also lays down his life for his sheep.

Observe, 3. The additional title given to Christ, he is styled the Bishop of our souls; he that with tenderness, care, and diligence, doth inspect and visit all his charge, he is the universal Bishop, the Bishop of bishops, who has the charge of all the flocks, and of the shepherds must become accountable. God Almighty give them all such grace to be faithful, such wisdom to be prudent, that love to himself, that zeal for Christ, that tenderness for souls, such meekness and humility, such patience and charity, such mortification and self-denial, as become persons of their holy character and profession; always remembering, that the salvation of one precious soul, for which the great Shepherd died, is infinitely worth the most indefatigable labours of their whole lives: that, when the chief Shepherd shall appear, they may receive. crown of glory that fadeth not away. Amen.

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Old Testament