In these words our apostle acquaints these believing Jews, who were built upon Christ, the foundation-stone, that the same titles did now belong to them in. more excellent manner as Christians, which were formerly given to their ancestors of the Jewish nation by God himself, Deuteronomy 7:6-7

As the Jews of old were. chosen generation,. kingdom of priests, an holy nation,. peculiar people; that is, they were. people chosen by God before all other people whatsoever, to bear his name, and to bear witness to his truth; they were. people in covenant with him, and so inexpressibly dear unto him, that he that hurt them touched the apple of God's eye: in like manner these Jews, and proselyted Gentiles of the dispersion, who were converted to Christianity, have all the forecited titles belonging to them.

A chosen generation, by effectual vocation separated from the world to the service of Christ, whose name they bear.

A royal priesthood, that is, kings and priests; kings to reign with him, and priests to offer spiritual sacrifices to him.

An holy nation; so are all the professors of Christianity federally holy, and for that reason all the Christian churches called out of the world, and dedicated to the service of Christ, are styled saints in all St. Paul's epistles.

A peculiar people, in covenant with God, purchased by the blood of Christ.

Next the apostle declares the end of all these distinguished favours being granted to them; namely, that they might show forth the virtues, that is, publish and proclaim the wisdom, power, goodness, and mercy, the righteousness and truth, of God, who had called them out of the darkness of sin, ignorance, and misery, into the marvellous light of knowledge, faith, holiness, and comfort.

Lastly, To enhance their thankfulness for all these distinguishing favours, he puts them in mind of what they were before their conversion to Christianity; in times past they were not. people, that is, not. people beloved of God, and in covenant with him; the Lord having given the Jews. bill of divorce, and said to them, Lo-ammi, Ye are not my people, Hosea 1:9 but now upon their believing in Christ they were restored to all their church-privileges, by the special mercy and grace of God.

Learn hence, That till persons subject themselves to the government of Christ, and become obedient to the gospel, they are in God's account no people: to live without Christ in the world, is. life worse than death.

Learn, 2. That when. people are brought near to God by Jesus Christ, and partake of all the rich and invaluable blessings and privileges of the gospel, they are exceedingly indebted for all the rich mercy and free grace of God; Which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

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Old Testament