St. Paul begins this epistle, as he does the rest, with. very kind and
gracious salutation; in which we have observable, the persons
saluting, the parties saluted, and the salutation itself.
Note, 1. The persons saluting, Paul, Silvanus and Timotheus: Paul only
was the inspired writer of this epist... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, 1. The holy wisdom of our apostle, who being about to
magnify and extol the graces of the Spirit wrought in the
Thessalonians, particularly their faith, their love, their patience
and hope, instead of commending THEM for these graces, he breaks forth
into thanksgiving unto God for them; W... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. One special ground and reason assigned, why the
apostle's heart was thus extraordinarily carried out in praise and
thanksgivings unto God, on the Thessalonians' behalf, and that was the
knowledge of their election, KNOWING YOUR ELECTION OF GOD; that is,
knowing cerainly and infallib... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words, our apostle gives us another probable evidence, that
the Thessalonians were undoubtedly chosen of God, namely, because they
were active and operative Christians; they did in their life and
practice conform themselves to that excellent pattern and example held
forth unto them by their... [ Continue Reading ]
Still our apostle proceeds in. copious commendation of these
Thessalonians, or rather in. thankful admiration of the grace of God
shining in them; he tells them, and that without flattery, that the
fame and report of their graces was spread abroad far and near,
insomuch that the foreign churches, am... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the apostle produces. further evidence of these Thessalonians'
conversion, namely, that they did not only turn from idols to serve
God the Father, but did also believe in Jesus Christ his only Son:
this act of faith is expressed by waiting, they WAITED FOR HIS SON
FROM HEAVEN, that is, by faith... [ Continue Reading ]