Observe here, 1. The triumphant ascension both of the living and sleeping saints, together into the clouds; We which are alive shall be caught up together with them in the clouds. This ascension shall be effected by the power of Christ, by the ministry of angels, and by the spirituality of the saints' own bodies.

Learn hence, that the descent of the saints of God into the grave, is not with so much weakness, ignominy, and abasement, as their ascent after the resurrection, to meet their Lord in the air, shall be with power, triumph, and glory: Christ shall draw them, clouds shall carry them, angels shall conduct them.

Observe, 2. The blessed meeting of all the saints together in one body, to take their flight together to meet the Lord Jesus, who comes from the third heaven to meet them in the lower region of the air, when Christ will own them in their persons, own them in their services, own them in their sufferings, and they shall receive their full and final benediction from the mouth of Christ, and take an everlasting possession of the heavenly kingdom, together with Christ.

Observe, 3. The saints' cohabitation and fellowship with Christ, together with its extent and duration, they shall ever be with the Lord. This implies the saints' presence with Christ, their vision and sight of him, their fruition and enjoyment of him, their delectation of him, their conformity to him.

Learn hence, that the top and height of the saints' blessedness in heaven consists in this, that they shall for ever be there with Christ.

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Old Testament