Note from the connection, that he that would rejoice evermore, must pray evermore; seldom praying and constant rejoicing will never stand together; according to our constancy in prayer, such will be the constancy of our joy.

Note, 2. That frequent and constant prayer to God, is. duty required of all Christians; we are then said to do. thing continually, when we do it seasonably, when we pray at stated times, morning and evening every day, when upon extraordinary occasions we perform the duty in an extraordinary manner, and when we perform it with unfainting perseverance, both frequently and fervently, though we receive no present answer to our prayers; and in. word, when the heat is always kept in. praying frame, this is to pray continually; and the reason for it is, because we stand in contiunal need of God, we want him continually, we sin against him continually, we are surrounded with temptations continually, we are exposed to trouble and affliction continually, and we ought to glorify God continually; and if so, we must pray continually; not that. man should do nothing else but pray; for though we may do nothing without prayer, yet we must do many things besides praying.

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Old Testament