Our apostle concludes his epistle with salutations to all the brethren and members of the church, without exception, poor and rich, advising them to manifest and testify their affection one to another, by. kiss given to each other,. ceremony of civility much in use in those eastern countries; yet requires, that it should not be. wanton, but. holy kiss: intimating to us, that our civil actions should have. relish and savour of holiness.

Hence it is, that St. Paul is so careful to give particular directions for the right ordering of our speech and discourse in common conversation, that it be grave and savoury, Colossians 4:6: of our apparel, that it be such as becomes those that profess the gospel; and here, that our courteous salutations of each other should be chaste and holy, Greet one another with. holy kiss: their kiss of love and peace, must truly signify, what it makes shew of, that neither treachery, nor cruelty, nor hypocrisy, nor lust, may insinuate itself into such. symbol of holy love.

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Old Testament