Observe here, 1. reason enforcing the apostle's exhortation to holiness of life, For, or because God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by Jesus Christ.

Note here, 1. What. Christian is not appointed to; he is not appointed to wrath.

2. What he is appointed to, namely, to obtain salvation.

3. The means by whom. Christian doth obtain salvation, and that is by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Learn, hence, that God's ordination and appointment of us to happiness and salvation, doth not discharge us from care and endeavour after the practice of universal holiness; it is the greatest piece of folly imaginable, from the appointment of the end, to infer the refusal or neglect of the means.

Learn, 2. That our Lord Jesus is the person appointed by God the Father, by whom alone all believers shall obtain salvation.

Learn, 3. That nothing short of the death of Christ was sufficient to purchase salvation for us, we obtain salvation by Jesus Christ, who died for us.

Learn, 4. That the great end designed by Christ in dying for us, was our living to him, in order to our living with him;. life of grace on earth, is our evidence for. life of glory in heaven; whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

Observe lastly, the great and important duty which he exhorts the Thessalonians to perform mutually to each other, and that is, to comfort themselves together with this hope, and to edify and build up one another in faith and holiness; wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, as also ye do; implying, that as it is the duty, so it ought to be the endeavour of Christians to edify one another, both in their graces, and in their comforts.

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Old Testament